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<br />MINUTES Page 6 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-October 17, 2005 <br /> <br />Some members of the Council suggested the possibility of allowing auto parts sales <br />with a Conditional Use Permit, and requested clarification regarding the intent of the <br />zoning change. Mr. Hom commented that, although the Council is concerned <br />specifically with Mr. Begier's property, any change will affect the entire CD District, <br />and the Council should determine whether an auto parts store in a downtown pedestrian <br />setting is appropriate. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Badger asked if auto parts sales could be considered as an accessory use to <br />Mr. Begier's auto dealership. Mr. Hum indicated that normally, accessory uses are <br />located on the same property. <br /> <br />Mayor Young suggested that there may be a way to conditionally permit an auto parts <br />use based on the square footage ofthe property. It was suggested that the Council take a <br />recess or move to other business while staff researched the size ofthe Begier property. <br /> <br />(At this time the City Council moved from this item to Item 5-Public Comments) <br /> <br />Mr. Horn reported that the total square footage of Mr. Begier's parcel is 5,205 square <br />feet. Councilmembers suggested language to the proposed Zoning Code amendments to <br />allow auto parts sales as a conditional use for parcels under 6,000 square feet. Mr. <br />J ermanis pointed out that this amendment would apply to the entire CD District, not just <br />to Mr. Begier's property, and the Council is likely to see a proposal for a mixed use <br />development for the Albertson's property which could allow for an auto parts store to be <br />located there. Mr. Jermanis noted that in an effort to accommodate Mr. Begier, the <br />Council's action could have unintended consequences. Mr. Hom added that the denial <br />of conditional uses must be based on sound findings; otherwise, the City could be <br />accused of being arbitrary and capricious in its decisions. He noted that if the Council <br />wished to allow auto parts sales in the Downtown District, the Downtown and Industrial <br />Districts would be the only districts which would allow auto parts sales. <br /> <br />Concerns were expressed by some members of the Council that by making an exception <br />for Mr. Begier's property, the City would be forced to allow auto parts sales uses for <br />other properties in the Downtown District. <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos asked if any auto parts stores have expressed interest locating in <br />the Downtown District. Ms. Pollart indicated that AutoZone has expressed keen <br />interest in locating along East 14th Street. <br /> <br />Mr. J ermanis pointed out that the staff recommends further modifications to the <br />proposed Zoning Code amendments to make the existing two-family residence a <br />conforming use but not to allow auto parts sales. By allowing auto parts sales as a <br />conditional use, the City would run the risk of destroying the ambience it is trying to <br />create for the Commercial Downtown District. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked if auto parts sales would be allowed at Mr. Begier's auto <br />dealership. Ms. Pollart indicated that it could be permitted as an accessory use. <br /> <br />