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<br />MINUTES Page 12 <br />City ofSall Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-November 7, 2005 <br /> <br />Council could direct staff to create an ordinance that would be effective in addressing the <br />problem. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant commented regarding the EBMUD Bayside Groundwater Project, <br />stating that she would like to see the Council make a formal statement regarding the project. <br />Mayor Young stated that she plans to attend the EBMUD Board meeting and will make <br />comments on behalf of the residents of San Leandro. Mr. Jerrnanis commented that the <br />period between when the Final EIR was received by the City and the EBMUD Board's <br />decision did not allow City staff adequate time to formulate a recommendation for the <br />Council to take formal action prior to the EBMUD Board's action on the project. Mr. <br />Jermanis noted that there is still opportunity for the Council to comment on the EIR after the <br />Board's action, and the Mayor will make comments at tomorrow's meeting on behalf of the <br />community. Members of the Council expressed appreciation to Mayor Young for attending <br />tomorrow's meeting and providing comments to the EBMUD Board of Directors on behalf of <br />the community. <br /> <br />Councilmember Nardine noted that the City Council took action to direct staff to respond to <br />the Draft EIR, and that action in itself was a statement by the Council. She commented that <br />over the last two months, there have been problems in District 3 with PG&E transformers <br />blowing out and leaving homes without power. Councilmember Nardine asked if the City <br />could obtain information about PG&E's emergency preparedness plan and its response to <br />service problems in the event of a disaster. Mayor Young noted that there will be a Disaster <br />Council meeting on November 14, and she will bring up the subject at the meeting. <br /> <br />Councilmember Starosciak commented regarding the runoff election provisions. She pointed <br />out that under the proposed provisions, a candidate statement submitted in March would need <br />to remain true through the runoff election in November. She suggested that it might make <br />sense to allow candidates to make changes to their statements to keep them accurate. <br />Regarding the EBMUD Bayside Groundwater Project, Councilmember Starosciak <br />commented that she has been involved in the review of the project both as a member of the <br />EBMUD Community Liaison Group for two years and most recently as a Councilrnember. <br />She stated that she has studied the Draft EIR thoroughly in order to fully understand the <br />issues, provided her comments to staff, attended all Community Liaison Group meetings and <br />met individually with EBMUD staff and Board Members, and members of the Heron Bay <br />Task Force and Heron Bay BOA. Councilmember Starosciak stated that based on her <br />knowledge of the issues, she cannot oppose the project, and it is her personal opinion that <br />EBMUD should be allowed to proceed. <br /> <br />Councilmember Stephens echoed Councilmember Badger's concerns regarding vehicles used <br />for storage and boats parked on neighborhood streets. He hoped that there would be <br />consensus among the City Council to request that staff strengthen the regulations in San <br />Leandro Municipal Code Sections 6-l-43o-0vernight Parking and 6-1-82o-Storage of <br />Vehicles in the Street in order to gain control over the problems. Mayor Young suggested <br />that staff also review community standards for businesses. Councilmember Santos recalled <br />that he raised this same issue several months ago, and the City Attorney suggested that the <br />current Community Preservation Ordinance may be sufficient to control the situation, noting <br />that the problem may lie in the implementation of the ordinance provisions. <br /> <br />