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<br />Employees scheduled to work the graveyard shift immediately preceding a day of jury duty <br />as above defined will not be required to work such shift and will receive their regular pay. <br /> <br />Water Pollution Control Plant <br /> <br />After submittal of a jury summons at least two weeks prior to the date of service, Water <br />Pollution Control Division employees, if practical, shall be assigned to the Monday through <br />Friday dayshift until released from jury duty. <br /> <br />Dav Shift <br /> <br />Any day shift employee scheduled to report for jury duty before 12 noon shall not be <br />required to work beforehand. Any day shift employee released from jury duty prior to <br />12:30 p.m. shall report to work for the balance of the shift. <br /> <br />Section 13. Leave of Absence Without Pay <br /> <br />A leave of absence may be granted to an employee when it would improve the quality of <br />the employee's job performance for the City government or when such leave is in other <br />ways considered to be in the best interest of the City service. This could include leave for <br />such purposes as additional job-related education or training, or extended illness not <br />covered by accumulated sick leave. <br /> <br />For the purpose of this section, a leave of absence is defined as a privilege which may be <br />granted to an employee wishing to leave the City service in good standing without pay for a <br />limited period. Such employee must make a written request to his/her supervisor for such <br />leave, stating the dates upon which he/she wishes to leave and to return, and the reason for <br />the request. The department head must submit a written statement giving his/her reasons <br />for recommending the approval of each request, after considering such factors as employee <br />work performance, whether loss of services would be detrimental to the City's interest, <br />availability of replacements and similar pertinent factors. The City Manager may approve <br />or disapprove the recommendation of a department head to allow a leave of absence for a <br />period not to exceed six (6) months. Approval may be given to extend a leave of absence <br />for one (1) additional period not to exceed six (6) months. <br /> <br />When reporting to work at the expiration of any leave of absence, an employee of this City <br />may be required to submit to medical examinations to determine whether or not he/she is <br />still capable of performing the duties of his/her position. <br /> <br />Any employee leaving the competitive service before leave of absence has been granted is <br />absent without leave, and such conduct shall be proper grounds for discharge from the <br />service. Upon the expiration of a regularly approved leave of absence the employee shall <br />be reinstated in the position held at the time such leave was granted, unless he/she conducts <br />him/herself while on such leave in a manner constituting cause for discharge. Failure on <br />the part of an employee on leave of absence to report promptly at its expiration, or within a <br />reasonable time after notice in writing to return to duty, shall be cause for discharge. <br /> <br />12 <br /> <br />