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<br />· Hours worked in a temporary employee capacity will not be counted for seniority <br />purposes except where the employee converted from a temporary to permanent status in <br />the same classification with no break in service. <br />· Employees shall not be credited with time spent in non-paid status except for Voluntary <br />Time Off, military leave, as otherwise prescribed by law, or as mutually agreed to by <br />the parties. <br />· Former Refuse Collector employees shall carry over seniority to lower-level <br />classifications, but will not carry over seniority upon promotion to higher level <br />maintenance classifications. <br />· Seniority credit shall only be credited for time spent in a position represented by <br />SLCEA, Local 21. Bumping to lower-level positions where the displaced employee <br />held previous status shall only occur for service rendered within the bargaining unit. <br /> <br />The appointing authority may layoff an employee in the competitive service because of <br />material change in duties or organization, or shortage of work or funds. When, there are <br />more employees in any class in the full-time competitive services than there are available <br />positions, the employee with the least seniority in the class shall be laid off. <br /> <br />An employee whose position has been targeted for elimination and who holds seniority <br />over other employees in that classification shall displace the most junior employee in that <br />same classification. If a vacant position exists in the classification, the senior employee <br />whose position is targeted for elimination shall be transferred to that vacant position. The <br />senior employee shall receive written notification that he/she has displacement rights, and <br />to what position he/she is eligible to displace to; or, in the event of a vacancy, transferred <br />to. <br /> <br />Employees who are laid off may be eligible to "bump" into a classification(s) in which they <br />previously held permanent status, provided that: 1) the classification has the same or lower <br />maximum salary than the position they are being laid off from; and 2) they have more <br />seniority than the most junior person in the classification to which they are bumping. For <br />the purpose of bumping, seniority shall be defined as the total amount in the lower <br />classification, added to the time spent in the related higher classifications from which they <br />are being laid off. <br /> <br />Forty (40) days before the effective date of a layoff, the appointing authority and/or <br />designee shall notify the Human Resources Director of the intended action with reasons <br />therefore, and a statement certifying whether or not the services of the employee have been <br />satisfactory. A copy of such notice shall be given to the employee affected at that time. If <br />certified as having given satisfactory service, the name of the employee laid off shall be <br />placed on the appropriate re-employment list. <br /> <br />Employees shall be given thirty (30) days notice before the effective date of a layoff. <br /> <br />All laid off employees shall be placed on a re-employment list for the class from which <br />they were laid off or demoted and shall be offered positions in reverse order of layoff or <br />demotion (i.e., the last person in the affected class to be laid off shall be the first re-hired <br />when openings occur in that class or any other of same pay for which the employee is <br />qualified). If the employee on the re-employment list refuses the initial offer of re- <br />employment, the employee's name shall be placed at the end of the re-employment list. If <br /> <br />19 <br /> <br />