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<br />o bedroom (studio) <br />1 bedroom <br />2 bedroom <br />3 bedroom <br />4 bedroom <br /> <br />1 person <br />2 person <br />3 person <br />4 person <br />5 person <br /> <br />Target Units should be built on-site wherever possible, should be dispersed randomly throughout <br />a Residential Development, and should be constructed and occupied concurrently with or prior to <br />the construction and occupancy of Non-Restricted Units. The number of bedrooms of the Target <br />Units should be equivalent to the bedroom mix of the non-Target units of the Housing <br />Development; except that the Developer may include a higher proportion of the Target Units <br />with more bedrooms. The design and appearance of the Target Units shall be compatible with <br />the design of the total Housing Development. Housing Developments shall comply with all <br />applicable development standards, except those which may be modified as provided by this <br />Article. <br /> <br />Circumstances may arise in which the public interest would be served by allowing some or all of <br />the Target Units associated with one Housing Development to be produced and operated at an <br />alternative development site. Where the developer and the City form such an agreement, the <br />resulting linked developments shall be considered a single Housing Development for purposes of <br />this Article. Under these circumstances, the developer shall be subject to the same requirements <br />of this Article for all Target Units. <br /> <br />A Density Bonus Housing Agreement shall be made a condition of any tentative map, parcel <br />map, planned development or conditional use permits, or building permit for all Housing <br />Developments pursuant to this Article. The Agreement shall be recorded as a restriction on the <br />parcel or parcels on which the Target Units will be constructed. The Agreement shall be <br />consistent with 6-3112 of this Article. <br /> <br />6-3108 <br /> <br />Development Concessions and Incentives <br /> <br />In addition to the Density Bonus set forth in Section 6-3104, the City shall provide a Concession <br />or Incentive for qualified Housing Developments upon the written request of a developer, unless <br />the City makes a written finding that the Concession or Incentive is not necessary to provide for <br />affordable housing costs, or that the Concession or Incentive would have a specific adverse <br />impact, as defined in California Government Code Section 65589.5(d)(2), that cannot be <br />satisfactorily mitigated without rendering the development unaffordable to low- and moderate- <br />income households. <br /> <br />The development incentive(s) granted shall contribute significantly to the economic feasibility of <br />providing the Target Units. Applicants seeking a waiver or modification of development or <br />zoning standards shall show that such waivers or modifications are necessary to make the <br />Housing Development economically feasible in accordance with Government Code Section <br />65915(f). This requirement may be satisfied by reference to applicable sections of the City's <br />General Plan Housing Element. <br /> <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2006-010 <br /> <br />6 <br />