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MINUTES <br /> Page 7 <br />May 1, 2006 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting— <br /> <br /> <br />requested that agenda reports and copies of PowerPoint presentations be made available to <br />members of the audience. <br /> <br />Lou Filipovich, San Leandro resident, <br />addressed the City Council regarding problems <br />with raised median strips. <br /> <br /> <br /> 6. CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS AND COMMENTS <br /> <br />Assistant City Manager Steve Hollister reported that staff has met with members of the <br />Lucchesi family and other concerned citizens to address truck access issues on MacArthur <br />Boulevard. Staff believes that driveway improvements would solve the problem, and a cut <br />in the median would not be advisable due to traffic and safety concerns. Mr. Hollister <br />commented that staff will continue discussions with the MacArthur business owners and <br />residents to hear and address their concerns. <br /> <br />Regarding Mr. Perez’s comment, Mr. Hollister noted that fees generally are not subject to a <br />vote of the people. <br /> <br />In response to the concerns raised by Ms. Aborashed regarding truck noise emanating from <br />Costco, Mr. Hollister stated that the issues will be referred to the Police Department for <br />follow-up. He indicated that staff attempts to post meeting cancellation notices on the <br />City’s website, and interested persons can call ahead to confirm that a meeting will be held. <br />Details on the fee increase have been available for public inspection and were presented at a <br />prior public hearing, and other information presented at public meetings can be obtained <br />from the City Clerk’s Office. <br /> <br />City Attorney Jayne Williams confirmed that fees are generally not subject to voter <br />approval; however, taxes must be voted on. She noted that the increase in the EMS tax on <br />tonight’s agenda may have caused some confusion. The enabling legislation which was <br />approved by the voters contained a provision for an automatic increase based on the CPI, <br />and the action taken by the Council was based on this provision. <br /> <br /> <br />The City Council recessed from 9:00 to 9:08 p.m. <br /> <br /> <br /> 7. AMENDMENT OF CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />City Councilmembers or staff have an opportunity at this time to request that an item be <br />removed from the Consent Calendar for the presentation of a staff report or other special <br />consideration. Members of the Public may request the opportunity to address the City <br />Council regarding items remaining on the Consent Calendar by filling out a speaker card and <br />submitting it to the City Clerk prior to the calling of Item 7, Amendment of Consent <br />Calendar. Items remaining on the Consent Calendar will be considered for approval under <br />one motion. <br /> <br /> <br />