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<br />1537 Hays Street; PLN2005-00141 <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />September 5, 2006 <br /> <br />exterior wall of the Garden Terrace building after construction of the proposed development. He <br />agreed to build trellis features over the rear of the buildings facing Garden Terrace to minimize <br />views of the rear yards and to plant trees in the yards of those three units. <br /> <br />Recommendation: <br /> <br />The Planning Commission and staff recommend that the City Council approve the following: <br /> <br />1. An Ordinance to rezone the property from RMl800 Residential Multi-Family District to <br />RM2500(PD) Residential Multi-Family, Planned Development Overlay District. <br /> <br />2. The Plarmed Development to construct a six-unit detached single-family residential <br />development subject to the recommended findings and revised recommended conditions <br />of approval, by motion. <br /> <br />3. The Vesting Tentative Map, Tract 7810 to subdivide the subject property thereby creating <br />a total of six parcels, with a reciprocal access easement as the common driveway subject <br />to recommended findings and conditions of approval by adopting the attached Resolution. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br />· The subject property is developed with a one-story single-family home circa 1925, with <br />approximately 1,102 square feet and a detached garage. This home is not on the City's list of <br />historic properties. This site encompasses 15,000 square feet (0.34 acre), measuring 100 feet <br />wide, fronting Hays Street, and 150 feet deep. Adjacent to the north is a single-family home <br />and two duplexes; to the south is the five-story, 25-unit Garden Terrace condominium <br />building built in 1965; to the southeast is a five-story, 28-unit condominium building built in <br />1976; and to the west are single-family homes. <br /> <br />. In January 2006, the Planning Commission conducted a work session to review a proposal to <br />develop the underutilized property with a six-unit detached single-family residential project. <br />The Commission made favorable comments on the site plarming and expressed a consensus <br />that six units was an acceptable density for the project site. The Commission felt that the <br />detached, six-unit design would be an appropriate transition between the smaller, low-density <br />housing adjacent to the north of the site and the larger, higher-density condominium (Garden <br />Terrace) adjacent to the south. <br /> <br />· At the June 8, 2006, Plarming Commission public hearing, the proposed plans and the vesting <br />tentative map went to the Commission for a formal hearing. At that meeting the Commission <br />expressed concern about the front elevations of the project, the actual design of the entry arbor, <br />and the on-site landscaping. The Commission continued the matter to its next regularly <br />scheduled meeting of June 22, 2006. At that meeting the Commission found that the applicant <br />had addressed its concerns with the enhanced front elevations facing Hays Street which <br />included full front porches, and the substantial (heavy) design of the wood entry arbor. In <br />addition, the landscape plan included trees along the southerly edge of the site to buffer and <br />soften the view of the new project from the Garden Terrace condominium. <br />