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<br />Understanding (MOU) between the City and District for recycling services from <br />an expiration date of August 31, 2007 to September 1, 2012. From the date of <br />signing this agreement to September 1, 2012, the District will make "best efforts" <br />to amend certain provisions of its existing franchise agreement with WMAC to <br />make the service level compatible with the services provided by the City's solid <br />waste, green waste and recycling services contractor, ACI. The District is <br />currently able to provide unlimited recycling. However, it may not be possible <br />for the District to economically achieve additional service levels that are totally <br />compatible with the City's until the District's current franchise agreement with <br />WMAC expires on August 31, 2012. <br /> <br />IV. Beginning with a new service contract on or about September 2012, the District <br />will include all City-requested provisions such as collection of used automobile <br />oil filters, collection of food waste, collection of solid waste from street cans, <br />public buildings and parks, etc. <br /> <br />V. It is the City's intention to impose a franchise fee on WMAC in the approximate <br />amount of 12% of total revenues generated from all solid waste/refuse collection <br />billings within the L-3 area, effective September 1, 2006. <br /> <br />i. If a franchise fee is imposed and if requested by WMAC, the District <br />will amend its current residential, multi-family, commercial and <br />industrial qarbaqe fee rate schedule to authorize an appropriate rate <br />adjustment increase for the L-3 area. <br />ii. If a rate increase is approved, the District will include in the initial <br />customer billing (L-3 area only) a notation indicating an increase in <br />rates based on annual CPI increases and the imposition of the <br />franchise fee by the City. The City will provide the District with a billing <br />insert that contains a written explanation describing the purpose of the <br />new franchise fee and that provides a City contact telephone number <br />for customers with questions. <br /> <br />VI. The District agrees to remit to the City an amount up to 1/3 of all Measure D <br />Fees collected by the District during the previous fiscal year on behalf of the L..3 <br />area (currently, the City's share would be approximately $43,000), for payment <br />or reimbursement of actual costs associated with co-sponsoring certain <br />additional recycling programs or events, which, in the sole opinion of the City, <br />are compatible with other city recycling programs and are in the best interest of <br />the residents within the L-3 area. The District will pay vendors or release such <br />funds to the City provided that the use of these funds is in compliance with the <br />provisions of Measure D. <br /> <br />VII. The District, at no additional expense to itself, will work with the City to apply for <br />"bottles and cans funds" to be used for the cleanup of the 1-880 freeway to <br />Lewelling Blvd. (City will administer the highway cleanup contract and list District <br />as a co-sponsor of the program). <br /> <br />831339-1 3 <br />