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<br />The District shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City and its officials, <br />officers, employees, agents, and volunteers from and against any and all losses, <br />liability, claims, suits, actions, damages, and causes of action arising out of any <br />personal injury, bodily injury, loss of life, or damage to property, or any violation <br />of any federal, state, or municipal law or ordinance, to the extent caused, by (a) <br />the willful misconduct, breaches of this Agreement, negligent violations of law, <br />or negligent actions or omissions of the District or its officials, officers, <br />employees, agents, and volunteers, or (b) acts for which they could be held <br />strictly liable, The foregoing obligation of the District shall not apply when (1) <br />the injury, loss of life, damage to property, or violation of law arises wholly from <br />the negligence or willful misconduct of the City or its officers, employees, agents <br />or volunteers and (2) the actions of the District or its employees, subcontractor, <br />or agents have contributed in no part to the injury, loss of life, damage to <br />property, or violation of law. It is understood that the duty of the District to <br />indemnify and hold harmless includes the duty to defend as set forth in Section <br />2778 of the California Civil Code and authorized by Government Code Section <br />895.4. " <br /> <br />To the extent any claims or litigations are instituted by any third party, both the <br />City and the District agree to cooperate with each other as well as any legal <br />counsel involved in representing the parties as to any reasonable activity <br />requested or required in any legal proceeding related to this Agreement. Said <br />cooperation includes without limitation, providing counsel with any and all <br />relevant and non-privileged information in a timely fashion as well as making <br />available any requested officers, directors, staff and/or employees to any and all <br />necessary proceedings as required to defend against said claims, <br /> <br />XII. Both the City and the District disclose and agree that they have each <br />undertaken significant concessions and waived potential rights based upon the <br />promises, representations, actions and agreements of one another in <br />negotiating and including each other to enter into this agreement. Specifically, <br />the District has irrevocably waived placing a ballot measure upon the June 6, <br />2006 statewide primary election in consideration of and based upon the <br />representations from the City of its intention to enter into a binding Agreement <br />based upon the terms and conditions set forth herein. The City agrees to not <br />pursue any right it may have to assume responsibility for refuse, green waste <br />and recycling services in the L-3 area during the term of this Agreement. The <br />parties expressly agree that they will be held strictly liable for any and all losses <br />arising from either parties' intentional refusal to abide by the terms of this <br />Agreement. <br /> <br />XIII. As has previously been approved and authorized by the Term Sheet <br />Agreement, the City and District hereby disclose to one another and expressly <br />agree and affirm that the law firm of Meyers Nave Riback Silver & Wilson serves <br />as City Attorney and General Counsel for the City and the District, respectively, <br /> <br />831339-1 5 <br />