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<br />2. The City of San Leandro understands that the Surface Transportation Program and <br /> <br />Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality hnprovement Program funding for the project is <br /> <br />fixed at $491,083, and that any cost increases must be funded by the City of San Leandro <br /> <br />from local matching funds, and that the City of San Leandro does not expect any cost <br /> <br />increases to be funded with Surface Transportation Program or Congestion Mitigation <br /> <br />and Air Quality Improvement Program funds; and <br /> <br />3. Washington Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation will be built as described in this resolution <br /> <br />and, if approved, for the amount shown in the Metropolitan Transportation Commission <br /> <br />(MTC) Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) with obligation occurring within the <br /> <br />timeframe established below; and <br /> <br />4. The program funds are expected to be obligated by June 30 ofthe year the project is <br /> <br />programmed for in the TIP. <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of San Leandro is an eligible sponsor of <br /> <br /> <br />projects in the Surface Transportation Program; and <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City of San Leandro is authorized to submit an <br /> <br /> <br />application for Surface Transportation Program funds for Washington Avenue Pavement <br /> <br /> <br />Rehabilitation; and <br /> <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there is no legal impediment to the City of San <br /> <br /> <br />Leandro making applications for Local Streets and Roads Shortfal1 Program funds; and <br /> <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that there is no pending or threatened litigation which <br /> <br /> <br />might in any way adversely affect the proposed project, or the ability of the City of San Leandro <br />to deliver such project; and <br /> <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution will be transmitted to the <br /> <br />MTC in conjunction with the filing of the application; and <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2006-020 <br /> <br />3 <br />