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<br />BAAQMD FY2005 TFCA Funding Agreement <br /> <br />7) Project Sponsor will acknowledge the Air District as a funding source and will use or display the <br />approved TFCA logo so that it is visible to the public: <br /> <br />A. On any motor vehicles leased or purchased with TFCA funds, or on any other capital property <br />purchased with TFCA funds. <br /> <br />B. On any printed or electronic material associated with the Project that is distributed to the public. <br />Printed material includes Project related schedules, brochures, handbooks, or promotional <br />material. Electronic material includes Project related web sites, electric signs, or e-mail <br />broadcasts. <br /> <br />C. In any Project related media events, articles, news releases or other publicity materials. <br /> <br />8) Project Sponsor will place in the public domain, written document, intellectual property, <br />process, technique, or product developed with TFCA funds as part of the Project. <br /> <br />9) Project Sponsor will monitor the operational status of the capital equipment or services purchased or <br />funded under this Agreement for the "Project Useful Life", as listed in Attachment B. In the event <br />there is a change in the operational status of the capital equipment or services under this Agreement, the <br />Project Sponsor will notify the Air District, in writing, within thirty (30) days of the change in <br />operational status. This may include the sale of capital equipment to a new owner, the transfer of <br />capital equipment to a new location, or the discontinuance of services or use of capital equipment on <br />the Project. Project Sponsor will be responsible for any applicable refunds under Section II.2.F and G. <br /> <br />SECTION III <br /> <br />AIR DISTRICT OBLIGATIONS: <br /> <br />1) Air District will provide TFCA funds not to exceed the "Total TFCA Regional Funds Awarded" for <br />this Project as listed in Attachment A. <br /> <br />2) Air District will endeavor to pay undisputed amounts of approved invoices within thirty (30) calendar <br />days of receipt. <br /> <br />3) The Air District will provide timely notice prior to conducting an audit. <br /> <br />4) The Air District will provide a copy of any fiscal audits of the Project as specified in California Health <br />and Safety Code Section 44242. <br /> <br />5) The Air District will provide a copy of its approved TFCA logo. <br /> <br />SECTION IV <br /> <br />GENERAL PROVISIONS: <br /> <br />1) Term: This Agreement will remain in effect for three (3) years after 1) the Air District's final payment <br />after acceptance of the Final Report, or 2) the "Project Useful Life" as specified in Attachment B, <br />whichever is longer, unless terminated as provided below. <br /> <br />2) Termination: Either party may terminate this Agreement for convenience at any time by giving thirty <br />(30) days written notice of termination to the other party. Upon receiving notice of termination, Project <br />Sponsor will immediately cease further expenditure of TFCA funds received under this Agreement. <br />The Air District will reimburse Project Sponsor for qualifying expenditures on the Project made until <br />the effective date of the termination. <br /> <br />The Air District may terminate this Agreement for default upon giving ten (10) days written notice (or <br />such other period of time authorized in writing by the Air District) of such default to Project Sponsor <br />and Project Sponsor does not cure such default. The Air District will reimburse Project Sponsor for <br />qualifying expenditures in full conformance with this Agreement made until the effective date of the <br />termination. <br /> <br />TFCA Regional Fund Project 05R60 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br />