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<br />I <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />~>Q<',G'(',G'(',G'('~~m.('X'.G<'.G<'<'<'k"<'.G<'.G<'.&.<x'~;6'('.G<'R<>C.q~.G<'.&~m;(X'1XX''&~;(X'1XX'.&~m.('X';6'('~~ <br />t ~ <br />~ ~ <br />I :::::fo~al;fO~~"'tIAA } 55. I <br />~ ~ <br />~ EOlilAA.t'f 200ft? 1> M~tvJI~ N~~fft, ~ <br />~ On ry Date' . before me, e"MNameandTitl.OfOff~C~~l""Jan.Do..NotarY~UbIiC") ul1l, ~ <br />~... ~lrl e~A~~ , 1........1 <br />1;(;.' personally appeared VI :' 1 <br />(i: Name(.) of Signar(s) <br /> <br />~ ~~SvOe~al~~ k~~W~~Ot~ee basis of satisfactory ~ <br />~ evidence ~ <br />~ @ <br />~liS'. . to be the person~) whose name(~ is/Q1i8 ~..,I.'I <br />?;: subscribed to the within instrument and .~ <br />~ acknowledged to me that he,~",,'ll.df executed ~ <br />~ the same in hisil,,,,, ill,,,,;, authorized ~ <br />~ L - - -DE-VQN- ,; ~'E~~~~'":;C,' capacity(iM), and that by his/I'o(."'lI,,,,;, ~ <br />iJil.'.,,'.' ~ <uagB ~'" r signatur~) on the instrument the personfe'l, or X....'.,..II <br />~: commission f 1~ . z :~ <br />~ ~. Notary Public, ealifoml8 ~ the entity upon behalf of which the person("!') ~ <br />1~.iS:...,.".....! "'amedacounty7 OVV\A1 acted, executed the instrument. ?!i:~.:,.)~.' <br /> <br />~ r _ _ ~~:.~~~ :u;.l ~lT~~~.~~~n..d and official s~al. I <br />~ IlU,UU(fl(. lJ1!Jb ~.IA. @ <br />~ Si9n:OO~N::;:;;b:- .. ~ <br />~ ~ <br />~ ~ <br />~...:... OPTIONAL ,.@.'.I <br />~ Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent @ <br />~ fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. ~ <br /> <br />~ Description of Attached Document 1 <br /> <br />~ Title or Type of Document: ~ <br />~ @ <br />~..; Document Date: Number of Pages: ~.:...,....I <br />~ ~ <br />~ Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: ~ <br />~ ~ <br />~ Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer i <br />~ Signer's Name: ~ <br />~ . @ <br />~ 0 Individual Top of thumb here @ <br />~I..'"."'.:. [J Corporate Officer - Title(s): ~.'....,,'.I.'I <br />~; 0 Partner - 0 Limited 0 GeneraliS <br />~ 0 Attorney-in-Fact ~ <br />~ 0 Trustee ~ <br />~ 0 Guardian or Conservator @ <br />1'i:S 0 Other: 2:\1 <br />~ ~ <br />~" Signer Is Representing: I':~ <br /> <br />I -I <br />,~~~<c<,'('A;:>,:g:::'E0~<c<,<c<,':QO'Q-<.;.~<c<,~'@.~':CA.;:'C~;,~'@.~<c<,''Cj;;.'Q<,~~<c<,~~~~~~~'O'.00 <br /> <br />@ 1999 National Notary Association, 9350 De Soto Ava., P.O. Box 2402 . Chatswonh, CA 91313-2402 . www.NationaINotary.OI9 <br /> <br />Prod. No. 5907 <br /> <br />Reordar: Call TolI,Flee 1-800-876-6827 <br />