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<br />CALlFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT <br />f...c<?"~~<><X';c<'~~~~m;c<'~~mAO<>,c<',(jQm~;c<'..c<';CQm~;c<'~.0f"~mm~.0f"m~m;a<;'.mm"o.,l <br />~ ~ <br />~ @ <br />~ State of californiaA\ /J l1\li D,I A } ss. I <br />~ County of ""f f J~ ~ <br />~ @ <br />~ On Ma.r tV\. ~l 2C()/p before me, ev. i <br /> <br />~ personally appeared _BY 111' eVt:\Vl4') ~ <br />~ Nam'ls) of Signerls) ~ <br /> <br />~ [II"'(lersonally known to me ~ <br />~ 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory ~ <br />~ evidence ~ <br /> <br />~ to be the person~) whose namefet is/Ql'ea I <br />~ subscribed to the within instrument and ~ <br />~ acknowledged to me that he/~y executed @ <br />~ the same in hiS~8r,'ti'le+r authorized ~ <br /> <br />~ lQ-- - - -- ~~~.; C:E~; ~c; 'f ~::~~:~~~~n t~;~nst~~~tent~~e ;~~~~~(~:~~~ - ~ <br /> <br />~] Commission .1349981 r the entity upon behalf of which the person (.e) ~.I <br />18 ~ Howry Public _ California ~ acted, executed the instrument. <br />~.'.'.'] Ail>meda County [ ~ <br /> <br />I J _ _ _ ~':::.":.. ",:,,,:~7.:. ~ I WITNE;o;;;;;JitffIClaJ ,eal. ~~~ <br />lit; Signature of ~!: Ad J , <br />~ ~ @ <br />~~ OPTIONAL ~ <br /> <br />I. ( . Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent ?ill <br />~ fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document, ~ <br /> <br />~ Description of Attached Document @ <br /> <br />i Title or Type of Document: Storm Wetter TfttltWlerlt M~G tAres I <br />~ ~ <br />~ Document Date: Number of Pages: ~ <br /> <br />I Slgn.'I'1 OU,., Than Named Abov.' I <br /> <br />I Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer I <br /> <br />~ Signer's Name: . i <br /> <br />~ 0 Individual Top of thumb here @ <br />~ 0 Corporate Officer - Title(s): ~ <br />~(IIt;..:.":,., 0 Partner - [J Limited 0 General,~ ......,)1 <br />~ 0 Attorney-in-Fact @ <br />~(I..."."",. [J Trustee ~,<%.). <br /><i' 0 Guardian or Conservator ~ <br />~ 0 Other: ~ <br />~ @ <br />~ Signer Is Representing: ~ <br /> <br />~""?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,x""""""''''''''''''''''^''''''':"",;""""",:"";:"",,,,,,,,,,,,'X,^,,,,,,,,,,,,y,,,,,,,,,^,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . ,*1 <br />l.-;v,~,~~~~,~~~~~'~'~3V~~,~~~~,~,~~~~,~,~~~'~~~~~'~'~'8':i:!JV.~~ <br /> <br />@1999 Nallonal Notary Assocl.tlon. 9350 D. Sofo Ave" P.O. Box 2402' Chefswonh, CA 91313-2402' <br /> <br />Prod, No. 5907 <br /> <br />Reorder: Call 1-800-676.6827 <br />