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<br />IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2006-033 <br /> <br />(2982) <br /> <br />RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN <br />AGREEMENT WITH THE SAN LEANDRO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND <br />APPROPRIATING FUNDS RELATING TO THE INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE <br />OF AN IRRIGATION WELL AT CHERRY GROVE PARK, PROJECT NO. 210-62-007 <br /> <br />WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City and District to jointly undertake the development, <br /> <br />installation, construction, and maintenance of joint facilities in order to reduce capital and operation <br /> <br />costs to both governmental jurisdictions; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the parties desire to jointly undertake the installation and maintenance of a <br /> <br />new irrigation well to replace the old irrigation well, which currently exists at Cherry Grove Park, <br /> <br />located on Leonard Drive; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, water from the well shall primarily be used for Cherry Grove Park, John Muir <br /> <br />Middle School, and Woodrow Wilson School. <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br /> <br />follows: <br /> <br />That said agreement is hereby approved and that the City Manager or his designee is hereby <br /> <br />authorized to execute said agreement and an appropriation of funds is made in the amount of <br /> <br />$145,000. <br /> <br />Introduced by Councilmember Santos and passed and adopted this 3rd day of April, 2006 <br /> <br />by the following called vote: <br /> <br />Members of the Council: <br /> <br />AYES: Councilmembers Badger, Grant, Santos, Starosciak, Stephens; Mayor Young (6) <br />NOES: None (0) <br /> <br />ABSENT: CouncilmemberNardine (1) <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />Marian Handa, City Clerk <br />