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<br />MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING <br />INTERIM CENTER- TO-CENTER PROGRAM <br /> <br />B. TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> <br />1. Role: The Technical Advisory Committee will be responsible for developing the <br />Program and designing, implementing, operating, and maintaining the System, <br />including implementation of operational and maintenance procedures and <br />maintenance of a configuration management system. The T AC may choose to <br />establish subcommittees that better reflect the involvement of specific agencies in <br />a particular aspect ofthe Program. The T AC will be responsible for developing <br />policies and procedures necessary for the success of the Program for adoption by <br />the Executive Committee, induding development of a policy and procedures for <br />configuration management and a policy and procedures for the operation, <br />management, and maintenance of the elements of the System. Any disagreement <br />that is not resolved by the T AC and that could impede the Program may be <br />referred to the Executive Committee, which will address the disagreement by <br />providing guidance to the T AC, conveying the issue to the appointing governing <br />boards, or other appropriate means. In addition, the T AC will informally review <br />the final plans and specifications to be used for any construction or connection to <br />the System prior to such plans and specifications being submitted to the <br />appropriate agency for formal approval. <br /> <br />2. Members: The T AC will be composed of staff members, with one member <br />representing each of the Parties. Each Party will ensure that their representative <br />attends regularly scheduled meetings. <br /> <br />3. Meetings: The TAC will meet as frequently as it determines to be necessary, but <br />at least every six (6) months, to discuss Program, System, and corridor-specific <br />issues. Each Party will ensure senior staff or designated representatives are <br />available to attend and can address specific issues on the Committee's agenda. <br />Decisions will be made by consensus of those in attendance; if a consensus cannot <br />be reached, decisions will be made by a majority vote of those in attendance. <br />When coordination is needed with entities that are not parties hereto, those <br />entities shall be invited to participate in T AC meetings as appropriate. <br /> <br />III. ANTICIPATED ROLES OF THE PARTIES <br /> <br />A. Metropolitan Transportation Commission - MTC will serve as the Program <br />Manager, the lead agency for software development for the Program, and will <br />manage the delivery of Program elements. MTC intends to make available <br />sufficient staff to provide program management services. Specifically, MTC <br />intends to provide the following elements of the Program: <br />. Chair Executive Committee and T AC meetings <br />. Consultant contract oversight <br /> <br />3 <br />