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DRAFT MINUTES <br /> Page 2 <br />October 16, 2006 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting— <br /> <br /> <br />Mayor Young announced the following presentations were made in the past month: <br />? <br /> <br />A Proclamation was issued declaring October 3, 2006 as “Soroptomist International <br />th <br />Day” in San Leandro in recognition of Soroptomist’s 85 Anniversary. <br />? <br /> <br />A Proclamation was issued declaring October 26, 2006 as “San Leandro Adult School <br />Day.” <br />? <br /> <br />A contribution was made from the Mayor’s Community Fund to the San Leandro Arts <br />Scholarship winner, Hoi-Fei Mok. <br /> <br />Mayor Young announced that Vice Mayor Grant would be presenting the San Leandro <br />Adult School proclamation at the opening of their new facility on Williams Street this week. <br /> <br />In deference to the large number of audience members present, and without objection from <br />the Council, Mayor Young took Public Comments out of order. She announced that she <br />would allow additional Public Comments during its regular place in the agenda for anyone <br />arriving after 7:30 who wishes to speak under that item. <br /> <br /> <br /> 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS (taken out of order) <br /> <br />Public Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker, subject to adjustment by the Mayor. <br />fill out a speaker card <br />When you address the City Council, you should and submit it to the <br />City Clerk so the order of speakers may be determined and an official record of names and <br />addresses obtained. The public is invited to make comments on items of public interest <br />NOT <br /> listed on the Agenda. <br /> <br />Jeff Ryan, San Leandro resident <br />, yielded his speaker time to Pastor Gary Mortara. <br /> <br />David Silvey, Pastor of Faith Fellowship Church, <br /> addressed the City Council, relating the <br />life changes he experienced through his membership in Faith Fellowship Church. Mr. Silvey <br />commented that he was a San Leandro resident for fourteen years, became an Associate <br />Pastor with Faith Fellowship, and is currently planning to start a church in Mountain House. <br /> <br />Sam MaliniakProject Manager with San Jose Construction, <br />, addressed the City <br />Council, commenting that he is the advising architect to the City of Santa Clara Planning <br />Commission and Architectural Review Committee. Mr. Maliniak noted that the City of <br />Santa Clara’s policy is to locate churches on the fringe areas of industrial zones rather than <br />in the middle, and several churches in Santa Clara have located on the fringes of industrial <br />areas. Mr. Maliniak inquired when the Faith Fellowship application would be formally <br />considered, and what is the City‘s policy on the location of churches in industrial zones. <br /> <br />Gary Mortara, Pastor of Faith Fellowship Church <br />, addressed the City Council, <br />apologizing for the recent inundation of voicemail and email messages. Pastor Mortara <br />stated that he felt he needed to get the Council’s attention, as the church has been in escrow <br />for a property on Catalina since February and has not been able to make progress on its <br />application. He indicated the church’s interest in remaining at the Washington Manor <br />location; however, due to the church’s 1,500 members and the related parking and traffic <br /> <br />