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<br />Assembly Uses in/L District <br />Business Development Sub-Committee Meeting <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />October 12, 2006 <br /> <br />~ However, if property is in an Industrial District, it be located near the periphery - to comply <br />with General Plan policies for preservation and enhancement of the City's industrial base; <br /> <br />~ Minimum 2-acre area - to accommodate large assembly uses; <br /> <br />~ Abuts or is within ~ mile of an arterial street ~ to ensure adequacy of the street system to <br />accommodate the traffic from such uses; <br /> <br />~ Vacant/underutilized property - that may be available in the future for assembZv uses. <br /> <br />After inputting these criteria, 13 potential areas were derived, with the applicable assumptions <br />indicated for each of the areas. <br /> <br />Based upon the analysis performed, staff is recommending two options for consideration by the <br />Business Development Sub-Committee. This matter will also be discussed next week at a Joint <br />Board of Zoning Adjustments/Planning Commission work session. <br /> <br />Option 1 - Amend Zoning Code to allow Assembly uses in IL Zoning District. Under Option 1, <br />Assembly uses could be added as a 'conditionally permitted' use in all IL zones, with use permit <br />review and approval under the Board of Zoning Adjustments. Alternatively, base development <br />standards (such as have been developed for residential uses) could be developed for Assembly uses, <br />such that applications meeting such standards could be reviewed and approved administratively by <br />the Zoning Enforcement Official (ZEO) through a Site Plan Review application. For applications <br />that don't meet the standards, these could be reviewed by the ZEO at a public hearing, or be referred <br />to the Board of Zoning Adjustments. With this option, a total of approximately 94 acres currently <br />zoned IL would be affected (this includes some areas ofrailroad right-of-way). <br /> <br />Option 2 - Apply 'Assembly' Overlay District to Identified Areas. Under Option 2, the green areas <br />identified on the draft map would have an Assembly Overlay District applied to them. This would <br />be accomplished via a Zoning Code amendment to define the Assembly Overlay District (new <br />Article), and then rezoning all of the designated areas with the new Assembly Overlay District. <br />Under this option, the underlying zoning designations for each of the individual properties would <br />not change, similar to how the Sand PD Overlay Districts are utilized. With this option, a total of <br />approximately 218 acres would be affected (this includes some areas of railroad right-of-way). <br /> <br />Staff notes that under either option, Religious Assembly uses would continue to remain <br />conditionally permitted in R Districts. <br /> <br />Finally, when staff brings the matter back through the public hearing process, a definition for <br />Assembly uses will be recommended as part of the proposed Zoning Code amendments. A codified <br />definition would preclude future confusion that may occur for assessing Clubs and Lodges and <br />Religious Assembly uses. <br />