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<br />Residential Development Standards <br />Business Development Sub-Committee <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />October /2. 2006 <br /> <br />~ Establish a maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) to limit size and scale of homes - This can either <br />be done for the site as a whole, or separately for each story of construction (e.g. as Santa <br />Monica does). In the Solano Beach date, they scale FAR related to the size of the lot, with the <br />FAR decreasing as the size of the lot increases. Slope can also be taken into account to further <br />limit total square footage on hillside lots (e.g. Solano Beach, Los Altos Hills and Pasadena). <br /> <br />~ Codify step-back requirements for second story construction to minimize potential <br />privacy/shade impacts on adjacent residences - Currently setbacks are analyzed with guidelines <br />established by the Zoning Enforcement Official (ZEO). The guidelines are not codified as <br />required standards, but are assessed by the ZEO on a case-by-case basis. Standards could be <br />established, with the caveat that applications not meeting the standards would require a higher <br />levelofreview. <br /> <br />~ Consider increasing parking standards to alleviate on-street parking impacts - Although the <br />City's standard of two (2) covered off-street parking spaces/ single~family home is in keeping <br />with many of the cities analyzed, one option could include the provision of additional required <br />parking for homes with 5+ bedrooms. This additional parking need not be covered and could <br />include tandem parking. <br />