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<br />Section 215: NOMINATION OF COUNCIL <br />MEMBERS. <br />Each candidate for election to the office of Coun- <br />cil Member shall be nominated from the district in <br />which such candidate resides by the signatures of <br />registered voters residing within said district. <br /> <br />Section 220: NOMINATION OF MAYOR. <br />Each candidate for election to the office of Mayor <br />shall be nominated from the City at large by the sig- <br />natures of registered voters residing within the City. <br /> <br />Section 225: ELECTION OF COUNCIL. <br />(a) All Council Members and the Mayor shall be <br />elected by the registered voters of the City at large. <br />One Council Member shall be elected from each <br />Council Member district. <br />(b) The candidate receiving the highest number of <br />votes for the offices of Mayor and Council Members <br />of the City shall be elected to such offices, provided <br />that such candidate receives at least fifty percent <br />(50%) plus one of the votes cast for each such office. <br />In the event that no candidate for such elective office <br />of the City receives at least fifty percent (50%) plus <br />one of the votes cast for that office, the City Council <br />shall provide for a run-off vote to detennine the per- <br />son elected. The City Council shall adopt an ordi- <br />nance establishing a run-off system. The run-off sys- <br />tem may includemailedballots.aninstant run-off <br />voting system when such technology is available to <br />the City, or a special run-off election. The ordinance <br />setting forth the run-off system may be amended <br />from time to time for any reason, but no amendment <br />to the ordinance may take effect less than one hun- <br />dred three (103) days prior to any municipal election. <br />(c) Ifat any election two or more persons receive <br />an equal and highest number of votes for any office, <br />the City Clerk shall order a public recount of the bal- <br />lots cast for that office to be conducted in the manner <br />provided by the Elections Code of the State of Cali- <br />fornia. The expense of such recount shall be borne by <br />the City. <br />(d) If the results of such recount indicate that two <br />or more persons have received an equal and highest <br /> <br />CHARTER <br /> <br />number of votes for any office, the City Clerk shall <br />so certify to the Council. Upon receipt of the Clerk's <br />certificate, the Council shall call a special election <br />among the persons having an equal and highest num- <br />ber of votes for such office. The election shall be <br />conducted and canvassed in the manner provided for <br />general municipal elections. <br /> <br />Section 230: DISTRICTS. <br />The boundaries of Council Member districts shall <br />be the boundaries existing upon the effective date of <br />this Charter, until changed by ordinance of the Coun- <br />cil. Within one year after publication of the results of <br />each federal census, and within one year after a de- <br />tennination that the population of the City has <br />changed by five percent or more since the most re- <br />cent division of the City into districts, the Council by <br />ordinance shall divide the City into six districts num- <br />bered one through six. Each district shall consist of <br />geographically compact contiguous territory and <br />shall contain, as nearly as possible, equal numbers of <br />residents. District boundaries shall approximate elec- <br />tion precinct boundaries established by the Board of <br />Supervisors of the County of Alameda. No change in <br />district boundaries shall operate to dis~lify an in- <br />cumbent from office before the expiration of the tenn <br />for which such person was elected or appointed. <br /> <br />Section 235: TERM OF OFFICE. <br />(a) Council Members and the Mayor shall hold <br />office for four years. The tenn of office shall com- <br />mence on January 1 following the election. <br />(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of Section <br />235(a) of this Charter, the officers elected in 2002 <br />shall hold office for a tenn ending December 31, <br />2006 and officers elected in 2004 shall hold office for <br />a tenn ending December 31,2008. <br /> <br />Section 240: INCOMPATIBLE OFFICE OR <br />EMPLOYMENT. <br />A Council Member or Mayor who accepts or re- <br />tains an incompatible public office or incompatible <br />public employment after taking office on the Council <br />shall be deemed thereby to have resigned as Council <br />Member or Mayor. <br /> <br />C-5 <br /> <br />(San Leandro Supp. No.8, 12-05) <br />