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<br />~.,. <br /> <br /> <br />':.'''W~1s.~~~, <br />. '>>'...e"'....,,,....>"-, "-.. <br /> <br />J::,riet background: <br /> <br />In the initial design phase we reviewed a series ot options with the city, neighborhood <br />association, and the tire department. Some ot the options tor this large property <br />included a )to + lot subdivision or a large estate style residence. L ventually, we <br />presented preliminary designs tor the estate in the summer ot 2005. Given the <br />privacy ot the entry at the end ot D'ariu5 Way, and the potential tor an elegant <br />estate, we designed a home that set well below the ridge to the north and stepped <br />back trom the homes to the south. Caretul consideration was given to insure that no <br />views were blocked and that privacy was insured tor all neighbors. The home is <br />stepped in and up the hill to turther minimize the height and excavation, and extensive <br />landscaping will help drasticall!:} improve what is now a barren hillside. <br /> <br />Over the course of the last J 5 months, we have worked in good Faith to address all <br />reasonable concerns. Adjustments and concessions were made during the process <br />to address the variety ot factors and to bring the estate to its current torm. An <br />extensive soils report with 8 borings and detailed anal!:}sis was performed which clearl'y <br />states that the proposed home ma'y be constructed as planned, and a detailed photo <br />stud'y of the stor!) poles clearly indicates that no views are blocked. Further concerns <br />over the size of the home have also been addressed with over 1000 st in reduced area. <br /> <br />In light ot our good faith efforts and our extensive accommodations, we ask that the <br />appeal be denied so that we can finalize our building permit drawings and proceed with <br />the construction at our home. <br /> <br />Thank 'you tor 'your consideration <br />Guita l)oostani and Stephen Glaudemans <br />Architects <br /> <br />Cc: Mike Luong - Appeallresponse 11 0606 <br /> <br />E>OOST ANI- GLAUDE.MANS AR.CHITECT5 <br />155 tilbert street, ste 2;+, Oakland, Ca. 9+607; rh. (510)520-1988 Fx.(510)76;-0+76 <br /> <br />