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<br />Dirt Farm Property Acquisition <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />December 4, 2006 <br /> <br />Fiscal Impact <br /> <br />. An appraisal has been received that values the property at $450,500 <br />. The cost to remove the dirt pile is estimated at approximately $450,000 <br />. Funding is available for the acquisition through the Water Pollution Control Plant Enterprise <br />Fund, Account No. 593-52-216 <br /> <br />Buded Authoritv <br /> <br />. Funding for this project was appropriated as part of the Fiscal Year 2004-05 budget <br /> <br />Attachments <br /> <br />. Site Map <br /> <br />CONCLUSION <br /> <br />It is recommended that the City Council adopt the proposed Resolution of Necessity to acquire, <br />by eminent domain, fee title in and to the property known as 2660 Eden Road, San Leandro, <br />California (APN: 042-4530-004) for the expansion of the Water Pollution Control Plant. Albert <br />Zeitz (deceased) is the owner of record of the subject property. <br /> <br />Further, staff recommends that the City Council make the following findings for the proposed <br />acquisition: <br /> <br />a. The public interest and necessity require the proposed project; <br /> <br />b. The proposed project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible <br />with the greatest public good and the least private injury; <br /> <br />c. The property described in the respective Resolution of Necessity is necessary for the <br />proposed project; and <br /> <br />d. The offer required by Government Code Section 7267.2 has been made to the owner(s) of <br />record. <br /> <br />UU:THP:ml <br /> <br />K:\AA-C\COUNCIL\2006\DEC 4\D1RT FARM REsa NEC MEM.doc <br />