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<br />interest shall be at the rate of one percent (1 %) simple interest per <br />calendar month or any portion thereof calculated from the last day of <br />the month in which the services were performed. <br /> <br />Option 2: Pay ACFD monthly 1/12 of the adopted annual budget <br />amount. ACFD will submit quarterly actual expense reports to the <br />City that will reconcile the quarterly amount due with the amount paid <br />to date by the City. Any credit shall be applied to the next quarterly <br />billing statement. The City within thirty (30) days after receipt of the <br />quarterly expense statement shaff remit any balance due amount. <br /> <br />4. Modifications Affectinq Billina and Payment <br /> <br />In the event that ACFD enters into a contract to provide services to <br />another entity, or terminates such an existing contract, and the creation or <br />termination of that contract affects the resources and/or costs allocated by <br />ACFD to the City, the ACFD in consultation with the City will adjust the <br />cost/resource allocation in the next fiscal year as agreed to between the City <br />and the ACFD. <br /> <br />Section 6. Personnel <br /> <br />a. No City Liabilitv <br /> <br />City shall not be liable for the payment of any wages, benefits or other <br />compensation to any officer, employee or agent of County performing services <br />under this Agreement including, without limitation, the persons to whom ACFD shall <br />offer employment. <br /> <br />b. Labor Relations <br /> <br />The Fire Chief shall consult with and advise the City Manager on all matters <br />pertaining to labor relations between the ACFD and its recognized employee <br />organizations, when such matters and the resolution of them may affect the service <br />levels or the City's costs pursuant to this Agreement. <br /> <br />Section 7. Indemnification <br /> <br />a. Mutual Indemnification <br /> <br />Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement or any <br />attachment hereto, County, on behalf of itself and the ACFD, shall defend, <br />indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, officers, <br /> <br />Agreement Regarding Fire and Emergency <br />Response Services - San Leandro/Alameda County <br /> <br />Page 20 of 24 <br />