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<br />MINUTES Page 7 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-October 2, 2006 <br /> <br />Public Comments on Item 10.C.: <br /> <br />Diana Souza, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council III support of the <br />restoration of these budget items. <br /> <br />End of Public Comments on Item 10.C. <br /> <br />Councilmember Stephens expressed concern that while he believes these are wonderful <br />items, the City does not have the money to fund them on an ongoing basis. He pointed <br />out that the City has not set aside funding for reserves for three years, has under-funded <br />the CIP by 80% for the past two years, has identified a structural deficit of about <br />$500,000 and has not yet achieved a balanced budget. Councilmember Stephens noted <br />that the Council has traditionally been very practical and fiscally prudent, and he asked <br />how the City can hope to replenish its reserves and meet its infrastructure needs if it <br />continues to deficit-spend. Councilmember Stephens stated he cannot support the <br />expenditure of one-time funds for ongoing expenses. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Grant expressed appreciation for the work of the Finance Committee in <br />bringing this recommendation to the Council. She stated that she is struggling with the <br />decision to use reserve money to deliver community services. Vice Mayor Grant <br />commented that she feels reserves should be used for more critical and necessary <br />services, such as Police and Fire, and not for community events. She stated support for <br />the events and decorations as an important way to build community, but expressed <br />concern for the way they are proposed to be funded. Vice Mayor Grant suggested that if <br />this item is approved, the Council should look for ways to offset some of the costs of the <br />Cherry Festival and evaluate whether the community is willing to help support it. <br /> <br />Councilmember Starosciak commented that the items proposed for restoration were cut <br />from the budget before she came on the Council. She noted that since she has been on <br />the Council, the City's reserves have not been reduced, and creative ways have been <br />found to fund other projects, such as the Manor Branch Library, the Washington Manor <br />pool and improvements on Lewelling. Councilmember Starosciak pointed out that the <br />items proposed for restoration are of minimal cost yet reap huge benefits for the <br />community. She stated that she would work hard with the City Manager to provide <br />additional funding to maintain the reinstated services. <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos concurred wholeheartedly with Councilmember Starosciak's <br />comments. He commented that all the available funds in the Self-Insurance Fund are <br />not being used. Councilmember Santos stated that the City needs to find the means to <br />increase Police staffing to 94 sworn officers. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Grant echoed Councilmember Santos' comment that more Police Officers <br />are needed, both on the streets and in the schools. Vice Mayor Grant suggested a <br />friendly amendment to the motion that if the City cannot find sufficient community co- <br />sponsorship by March, the Cherry Festival would be cancelled. <br />