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<br />a legislative body and City employees shall make every effort to prepay travel costs through the <br />City's Finance Department prior to initiating a request for travel advance funds. <br /> <br />8. Transportation. <br /> <br />a. Cost Comparison to Determine Mode of Transportation. In general, members of <br />a legislative body and City employees should choose the least expensive mode of travel. For <br />example, in some cases, it may be less expensive for the City to reimburse members of a <br />legislative body or an employee for mileage associated with vehicle transportation than to pay <br />for air travel. Members of legislative bodies and City employees shall also consider cost-saving <br />strategies such as car-pooling in the cost comparison. <br /> <br />b. Air Travel. When possible, members of a legislative body and City employees <br />should arrange for air travel to be paid for in advance by the City at the most economical and <br />reasonable round-trip fare consistent with the member or employee's scheduling needs. If <br />advance arrangements cannot be made due to lack of advance warning or other extenuating <br />circumstances as approved by the City Manager or his or her designee before the expenses are <br />incurred, members of a legislative body and City employees may be reimbursed for the expense <br />of the airfare, so long as it is the most economical and reasonable round-trip fare consistent with <br />the member or employee's scheduling needs. <br /> <br />c. Personal Vehicle Travel. Members of a legislative body and City employees shall <br />use City vehicles for travel in performance of official duties, when available. If a City vehicle is <br />unavailable a member or employee may be reimbursed for expenses incurred in traveling by <br />personal vehicle on official business at the annual Internal Revenue Service Standard Mileage <br />Rate. The distance of travel will start from the place of work or from home, whichever is closer <br />to the destination point of official business. Members of a legislative body and City employees <br />shall be responsible for procuring and maintaining liability insurance for their personal vehicles. <br /> <br />d. Car Rental Reimbursement. Members of a legislative body and City employees <br />should arrange for car rentals to be paid for in advance by the City at the most economical rate <br />available. If advance arrangements cannot be made due to lack of advance warning or other <br />extenuating circumstances as approved by the City Manager or his or her designee before the <br />expenses are incurred, members of a legislative body and City employees may be reimbursed for <br />the expense of car rental. Since the City is self-insured, members and employees shall not be <br />reimbursed for optional liability insurance or other fees. <br /> <br />9. Meals. <br /> <br />a. Meals in Conjunction with Travel. Members of a legislative body and City <br />employees may be reimbursed for expenses incurred for meals consumed in conjunction with <br />travel on official business. <br /> <br />Members of a legislative body shall receive a travel per diem of $100 per full day and <br />$50 per one-half day when traveling on official business. For purposes of this section, a full day <br />is defined as including that period in which a member of a legislative body will be away from <br /> <br />809279-4 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2006-079 <br /> <br />3 <br />