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<br />home for all meals. A one-half day is defined as including that period in which a member of a <br />legislative body will be away from home for breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner or dinner <br />only. <br /> <br />City employees may be reimbursed for meals In amounts that do not exceed the <br />following, which include tax and gratuity: <br /> <br />Breakfast: $11 <br />Lunch: $16 <br />Dinner: $29 <br />TOTAL $56 <br /> <br />The travel per diem and meal reimbursement amounts set forth above shall be adjusted <br />annually on October 1 to reflect any changes to the per-diem rates published by the U.S. General <br />Services Administration (Alameda County meals rate). <br /> <br />Notwithstanding the per-meal amounts set forth above and those published by the U.S. <br />General Services Administration, the employee may be reimbursed for meals in an amount that <br />does not exceed the aggregate amount of meal allowances in a particular day for which the <br />employee is eligible. <br /> <br />If a meal is provided by a conference or organized educational activity, or otherwise <br />included in the payment of registration fees, members of legislative bodies and City employees <br />may not be reimbursed for meals purchased in lieu of, or in addition to, the provided meal. <br /> <br />b. Reimbursement for Other Meals. Where authorized by Section 4 of this Policy, <br />members of a legislative body and City employees may be reimbursed for their meals associated <br />with the performance of official duties at rates not to exceed the amounts set forth in Section 9a. <br />of this Policy. Meals for spouses, family members, and other third parties shall not be <br />reimbursed. <br /> <br />10. Lodging. <br /> <br />a. Members of a legislative body and City employees may be reimbursed for lodging <br />expenses if the destination of the conference, meeting, or other official duty is more than 50 <br />miles from the place of work or home, whichever is closer to the destination. <br /> <br />b. When possible, members of a legislative body and City employees should arrange <br />for lodging expenses to be paid in advance by the City at the most economical and reasonable <br />rates for single occupancy lodging that is in a location that is reasonable and convenient in <br />relation to the member or employee's scheduling and official business needs. Members and <br />employees may share reimbursement for a double-occupancy room if the room will be shared <br />with a co-member or co-employee. <br /> <br />For lodging in connection with a conference or organized educational activity, such lodging costs <br />shall generally not exceed the maximum group rate published by the conference or activity <br /> <br />809279-4 <br />RESOLUTION NO. 2006-079 <br /> <br />4 <br />