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<br />DRAFT MINUTES Page 4 <br />City of San Leandro City COlU1Cil and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-December 4, 2006 <br /> <br />the restriction on the planting of heritage trees or vegetation in the Conditions of <br />Approval, and he expressed concern regarding the potential for landslides. <br /> <br />Walter Bielaski, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, stating that his <br />property borders the northeast comer of the subject project. Mr. Bielaski expressed <br />support for thc commcnts made by thc Appcllant. Hc notcd that all propcrties in the <br />RS- VP Zone are single family dwellings and that the Applicant proposes to have several <br />families living in the homc. Mr. Bielaski urged the Council to uphold the appeal and <br />deny the project. <br /> <br />Arto Yagjian, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that he <br />is in favor of one large single family home on the lot since parking on Darius Way is <br />limited. As a contractor, he noted that if a single home is built on the property, it would <br />need to be very large in order to be profitable for the builder. <br /> <br />Akemi Woofter, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that <br />shc hopcd a singlc homc would bc built on the subject property. Ms. Woofter stated that <br />she believed property values would increase as a result ofthe proposed project. <br /> <br />Len Martinez, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commcnting that <br />the views from his home have been compromised by the homes that have already been <br />built in the Langon subdivision; however, he noted that his property values have <br />increased as a result of the newer homes. Mr. Martinez commented that traffic has <br />increased, but not out of proportion to the rest of the neighborhood. Mr. Martinez stated <br />that he belicved the proposed home will be beautiful and will increase the value ofthc <br />surrounding homes. <br /> <br />Peter Gob, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that when <br />he bought his home 13 years ago, he anticipated the development of the subject site. <br />Mr. Goh commented that the views being obstructed are of the lower rooftops, not of <br />the Bay, and the proposed project would not devalue the existing homes. <br /> <br />Mike Luong, Applicant, addressed the City Council, commenting on his obligation as <br />the eldest son to care for his six younger siblings as well as his parents and his own <br />family. Mr. Luong stated that 20 adults would be the maximum number of adults that <br />would ever reside at one time in the home, and he sought approval for that number so <br />that he would not need to apply for another permit. <br /> <br />Wayland Lcw, Appellant, addressed the parking issue raised by Vice Mayor Grant, <br />noting that the limited available street parking is on a cuI de sac. Mr. Lew reiterated his <br />concern about the hillside stability and stated again that he is not opposed to the project <br />itse1fbut to thc prcscnt design ofthe project. He pointed out that the reduction in square <br />footage of the home was accomplished partly through reduction in the height of the <br />tower, which was above the 30-t'Oot height limit. Mr. Lew stated that he was told by <br />staff that when a structure is over 16 feet high, the square footage is counted twice. <br /> <br />4 <br />