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Minutes 2006 1204
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City Council
Minutes 2006 1204
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12/22/2006 1:58:13 PM
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12/22/2006 1:58:10 PM
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<br />1\11 NtlTES Page':; <br />City of San Leandro C~C:()Llncil aml San LeandroI~cdcvd()pnlellt Agen~LJ()int Mccting-ncccmhc~~, 2006 <br /> <br />unsuccessful elTorts to reach an acceptable compromise with the Applicant and <br />architect. Mr. Lew stated his objection to the approval of the height exception by the <br />8ZA at the expense of the views of the existing homeowners. He expressed concel11s <br />regarding the delays in the posting 01' the project drawings, the number or adults that <br />would reside in the horne, the potential parking and traffic issues, and the possibility or <br />landslides. Mr. Lew pointed out that the 1989 soils report was prepared plior to the <br />I ()<)l excavation of the hill, and he stated that he believed the BZA approved the project <br />based on inaccurate information. He cornmented on homes in other cities which have <br />been damaged due to landslides. Mr. Lew commented that he believed the calliage <br />house was an accessory structure not in compliance with the Zoning Code, and an <br />administrative exception should not be granted for it. Mr. Lew stated that he was told <br />by his realtor that the value of his home would decrease if the project was approved at <br />the proposed height. lie indicated that he is in favor or a home being built on the <br />property but not according to the current design. <br /> <br />Gita Boostani, architect for the Applicant, addressed the City Council, describing the <br />modi fications to the project design. She pointed out that the footprint of the house has <br />been limited due to environmental sensitivity. Ms. Boostani commented that the height <br />of the project does not signiLlcantly impact the views of the sUlTounding neighbors, the <br />lot has a large amount of open space, and trees will be planted to screen the home from <br />all sides. She addressed the issues of the number of adults living on the property, the <br />soils report, and the effect of the proposed project on the values or surrounding <br />properties. Ms. 800stani commented that she believed the project would add value to <br />the community. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Grant received clarification Il-orn staff on the parking locations. She asked <br />if the home was being built by the Applicant [or use as his own residence. Ms. Barros <br />indicated that the Applicant plans to live in the home along with his family and his <br />parents. <br /> <br />Councilmclllber Nardine inquired if the job site would be monitored to ensure a soils <br />engineer is present. Mr. Schock indicated that there is a rnechanism in place to ensure <br />that either the soils engineer or stafl member is present during the dlilling, prior to the <br />placement of the steel in the shalls, and during the placement of the concrete. <br />Councilmernber Nardine asked if any vegetation would be rernoved. Stephen <br />Glaudemans, architect I'or the Applicant, stated that no vegetation was planned to be <br />removed, but the Applicant would be happy to prune any vegetation currently blocking <br />ncighbors'views. <br /> <br />Richard Sequeira, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting <br />that the 8ZA decision was made based on misrepresentations and that infollllation was <br />not provided in a timely manner to the neighbors, not allowing them suflicient time to <br />research and prepare for the meeting. Mr. Sequeira noted the developer's failure to <br />meet with the affected neighbors which was a requirement for the Bay-O- Vista HOA <br />8oard's support. He conHl1ented that the soils report was per[om1ed in 1989 plior to a <br />massive cut in the hill near his property. Mr. Sequeira commented that he did not see <br />
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