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<br />MINUTES Page 5 <br />City or San Leandro~'~~y CO~~llcil and San Leandro Redevc~oprnellt Agency Join! Meetir~I:\-:-J)cccmhcr 4. 2006 <br /> <br />Community Development Director Hanson Hom indicated that all the required legal <br />advel1ising was performed far this project. Mr. Hom acknowledged that the posting of <br />project plans was delayed and the billboard was erected just prior to the BZA hearing. <br />However, since the BZA healing, stalT has made a concerted clT0I1 to hold several <br />meetings with the Applicant to discuss ways to Initigate the Appellant's concerns. Mr. <br />Hom stated that the BZA received all the inf0ll11ation necessary for adequate <br />deliberat ion on the height exception and the size orthe horne; however, the BZA did not <br />receive the updated soils report. Mr. J Jom noted that a soils study is not normally <br />perl()nned until the building permit stage; however, due to the strong concerns <br />regarding slope stability, the Applicant chose to hire a soils engineer to perlalln the <br />extensive study. lie indicated that there was considerable review of the 1989 soils <br />repori by staft~ and starr relt the study was surricient for the purpose of evaluating the <br />project since the house was being proposed to be construeted on the existing pad. <br /> <br />Ms. Ban.os stated that, although not required, it was recommended that a billboard be <br />erected at the site and that the Applicant send out notification letters to the neighbors. <br />The bi IIboard was not erected unti I just prior to the BZA healing and the letters were <br />never sent. Ms. Rarros noted that the legally-required notification-the publication of <br />the public hearing notice and the 500~n radius mailed notifications and posted notices -- <br />was pcrfollllCd. <br /> <br />Mr. I-Iom commented that after the BZA's approval of the project, stair reviewed the <br />Zoning Code regarding the administrative exception for accessory structures. Mr. Hom <br />noted that a Zoning Code amendment was adopted a ICw years ago for second family <br />units. The in-law unit proposed for this project would be considered a second family <br />unit rather than an accessory structure, and the unit would only be required to comply <br />with front, rear and side setback requirements. <br /> <br />City Manager Jermanis addressed the City's liability with regard to hill slides and <br />pointed out that all orRay-O-Vista is built on a hill. While there are no assurances that <br />slides will not occur, Mr. Jennanis noted that the City Council has an obligation to <br />exercise its bestjudgrnent based on the inConnation provided. <br /> <br />City Attoll1ey Jayne Williams cOln1l1ented that legislative action taken by the City <br />Council is based on the due diligence exercised by stalT and the professionals that <br />provide them with infOl111ation. Ms. Williams indicated that legislative irnnlUnities <br />exist to protect the City against potential litigation. Ms. Williams commented that, <br />although there is often risk in the activities in which the City engages, the City has <br />exercised considerable due diligence in this project. <br /> <br />There being no further comments 1'1'0111 the public, and without objection, the Public <br />Hearing was closed. <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos asked whether the building could be constructed further <br />westward in order to reduce the view obstruction to the uphill neighbors. Mr. Hom <br />commented that this option was suggested at a meeting with the Applicant. ]]e noted <br />that the house is cUITently proposed to be built on the existing pad, and moving the <br />