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<br />4. Discussion Regarding Proposed Downtown Retail Strategy <br /> <br />Business Development Manager Sims provided an infoD11ational overview of the proposed <br />Downtown Retail Strategy to be fOD11Ulated and implemented by Main Street Property <br />Services (Main Street) and Business Development starr. Sims described how the strategy <br />would identify retail most appropriate for the Downtown area and establish a strategy for <br />attracting identified retailers. Sims continued by adding that the majority of downtown retail <br />stock is categorized as service retail, but through this strategy, a number of new merchandise <br />retailers would be added to the Downtown area to service the changing demographics of San <br />Leandro. Sims then noted that the ultimate goal of the new strategy is to create a unique <br />retail destination; one with distinct retail differences [rom estahlished retail destinations in <br />San Leandro such as Bayfair Center and Marina Square. <br /> <br />Assistant to the City Manager Battenherg continued hy describing exactly who Main Street <br />is, as well as the spcci fics of what Main Street proposes to do to the Downtown area, if <br />retained by the City. Battenberg described that Main Street acts as both a retail broker and <br />municipal retail consultant and that the company has extensive experience revitalizing <br />downtown areas in the Bay Area by attracting unique retail micro-chains and independent <br />retailers. Battenberg then proceeded by describing the two components of work which Main <br />Street proposes to do for the City. <br /> <br />. The first component, the 2007 Retail Strategy Implementation Plan, includes three <br />tasks: I) the development and creation of trade area positioning and branding, <br />including the creation or a budget plan to allow the City to allocate future funding [or <br />marketing, 2) Input on the zoning code to be implemented in conjunction with the <br />City's TOO study as it relates to retail, and 3) Workshops for downtown property and <br />business owners. It is anticipated that the scope of work will cost $4,OOO/month for a <br />total of $48,000 for a one year contract. <br /> <br />. The second component is the development of Downtown San Leandro Storefront and <br />Signage Design Guidelines, a "can do" document with photo examples to support <br />tenant storefront and signage design necessary to promote the downtown environment <br />to quality businesses. The guidelines are intended to compliment the Design <br />Guidelines developed in conjunction with the TaD project. The cost for <br />development o[this document is $40,000. <br /> <br />Committee member Badger offered his general support for the project as he believes it will <br />continue to tranS[01111 the downtown and compliment the recent improvements. Mayor <br />Young added that she also supports the proposed project and suggested that staff research <br />Downtown area branding and marketing work completed in the past. <br /> <br />Committee Recommendation <br />The Business Development Committee recommended Council approval of an <br />Agreement with Main Street for the 2007 Retail Strategy Implementation Plan and <br />Downtown San Leandro Storefront and Sign age Design Guidelines at a cost of $88,000. <br /> <br />5. Update on Development Projects <br /> <br />Director Hom reported that the large home ordinance is going to the Planning Commission <br />tonight for a recommendation and four Zoning Code amendments pertaining to large homes <br /> <br />4 <br />