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<br />SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE <br /> <br />TITLE 25 <br /> <br />PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY <br /> <br />Chapter 1 <br /> <br />Bylaws <br /> <br />&25.1.220: SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the Board shall be held upon call of <br />the Chair of the Board, or by a majority of the Members thereof, by delivering personally or by <br />mailed written notice to each member, and to each local newspaper of general circulation, radio or <br />television station requesting notice in writing. Such notice shall be delivered personally or by mail <br />and shall be received at least twenty-four (24) hours before the time of such meeting as specified in <br />the notice. Such written notice may be dispensed with as to any Member who at or prior to the time <br />the meeting convenes files with the Secretary of the Authority a written waiver of notice. Such <br />waiver may be given by telegram. Such written notice may also be dispensed with as to any <br />Member who is actually present at the meeting at the time it convenes. Such call and notice shall <br />specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business to be transacted. No other <br />business shall be considered at such meeting. <br /> <br />&25.1.221: MEETING PLACE. All meetings of the Board shall be held at the regular <br />meeting place of the Authority, unless the Board shall adjourn to or fix another place of meeting in <br />a notice to be given thereof, or unless prevented by flood, fire or other disaster. Said regular <br />meeting place is fixed and established as the City Council Chambers, 835 East 14th Street, San <br />Leandro, California. <br /> <br />&25.1.225: PUBLIC MEETINGS: NOTICE OF MEETINGS. All proceedings of the Board <br />shall be subj ect to the provisions of the Ralph M. Brown Act, constituting Chapter 9 of Part 1 of <br />Division 2 of Title 5 of the California Government Code, and notice of the meetings of the <br />Authority shall be given in accordance with such Act. <br /> <br />&25.1.230: CONSENT TO MEETINGS. The transactions of the Board at any meeting <br />however called and noticed or wherever held, shall be as valid as though done at a meeting duly <br />held after call and notice if a quorum is present and if either before or after the meeting each <br />Director not present signs a written waiver of notice or a consent to the holding of such meeting or <br />approval of the minutes thereof. All such waivers, consents or approvals shall be filed with the <br />corporate records and made a part of the minutes of the meeting. <br /> <br />&25.1.235: OUORUM. A quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Board <br />unless a greater number is expressly required by statute, by the Agreement, or by these Bylaws. <br />Every act or decision done or made by a majority of the Directors present at a meeting duly held at <br />which a quorum is present, shall be the act of the Board. <br /> <br />&25.1.240: ORDER OF BUSINESS. The order of business at the regular meeting of the <br />Board and, so far as possible, at all other meetings of the Board, shall be essentially as follows, <br />except as otherwise determined by the Directors at such meeting: <br /> <br />Department Responsible for Revision: Public Financing Authority <br />11/20/2006 <br /> <br />Chapter 2D.1 <br />Page 2 <br />