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<br />MINUTES Page 5 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-December 18, 2006 <br /> <br />· Resolution No. 2006-011 RDA, Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency of the <br />City of San Leandro Rescinding Resolution No. 2006-006 RDA, Making Health <br />and Safety Code Section 33445 Findings and Authorizing the Use of <br />Redevelopment Agency Funds for the Doolittle Drive Entryway Improvements, <br />Phases I and 2, Project No. 230-43-155. (1485/3087) <br /> <br />· Resolution No. 2006-134, Resolution of the City Council of the City of San <br />Leandro Rescinding Resolution No. 2006-075, Consenting to the Use of <br />Redevelopment Agency Funds and Approval of Plans and Specifications and Call <br />for Bids for Doolittle Drive Entryway Improvements, Phases 1 and 2, Project No. <br />230-43-155. (3087) <br /> <br />E. Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to Execute a Letter Amendment to the <br />Agreement Between the City of San Leandro and Alameda County Industries, Inc. <br />(ACI) (provides enhanced recycling services for residential and commercial customers <br />by allowing rate increases of 20/0 on July 1,2007 and 2% on July 1, 2008 and providing <br />grant funds of $120,000 for rate year 2007 and $120,000 for rate year 2008). Cost: <br />$240,000. Funding: Grant from the Alameda County Waste Management Authority and <br />Recycling Board. (Moved to Item 9, Items Removed from Consent Calendar.)(l 078) <br /> <br />F. Resolution No. 2006-135, Resolution of Intention to Establish Right-of-Way Lines <br />(Eden Road from Doolittle Drive to End, and an Extension of Business Center Drive <br />from Davis Street to Eden Road) and Set the Public Hearing on January 16, 2007 <br />(authorizes and sets the date for a public hearing to establish right-of-way lines). (3105) <br /> <br />G. Ordinance No. 2006-021, an Ordinance Relating to Speed Limits, Title VI, Chapter 1 <br />of the San Leandro Municipal Code, Establishing Prima Facie Speed Limits of 30, 35, <br />and 40 Miles Per Hour on Various Street Segments Citywide (reestablishes the posted <br />speed limits based upon engineering and traffic surveys and requirements of the San <br />Leandro Municipal Code and the California Vehicle Code). (1022) <br />- Passed to Print <br /> <br />H. Resolution No. 2006-136, Resolution Approving Parcel Map 8864 for 15555 Hesperian <br />Boulevard, Assessor's Parcel No. 413-0003-001-05; Owner and Subdivider: Wells <br />Fargo Bank, Trustee of Brunetti Trust, Pauline Freschi, Lenore Freschi Maionchi and <br />Paula Freschi Kamena, Trustees of Various Trusts (provides for subdivision of an <br />existing approximate 13-acre parcel into three subdivision parcels). (3106) <br /> <br />1. Resolution No. 2006-137, Resolution Accepting the Work for Washington Manor Park <br />Aquatic Center, Project No. 210-62-006 (provides for acceptance of work from Sausal <br />Corporation, filing of Notice of Completion, and release of bonds). (3058) <br /> <br />J. Resolution No. 2006-138, Resolution of Award of Contract to JMB Construction, Inc. <br />for the Water Pollution Control Plant (WPCP) Effluent Irrigation Project, Project No. <br />06-593-52-219, and Appropriation of WPCP Enterprise Funds in the Amount of <br />$726,000 (recommends award to the low bidder for bid amount of $1,100,000). Bids <br />