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<br />ATTACHMENT A <br /> <br />Draft Minutes Excerpt- J 2/14/06 Planning Commission Meeting <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />lItem 6: Public Hearing <br />(a) Matter of consideration of amendments to the Zoning Code including: <br />· Article 5, adding new Section 2-537 Daylight Plane <br />. Article 5, adding new Section 2-539 Maximum Floor Area Ratio <br />(F AR); <br />· Article 5, amending Section 2-574 for consistency; <br />· Article 5, amending Section 2-580 for consistency; <br />. Article 5, amending Section 2-582 to provide additional height <br />restrictions in RS- VP Sub-District; <br />. Article 5, amending Section 2-584 applicable to RO and RS Districts; <br />. Article 17, amending Section 4-1704 related to off-street parking and <br />loading space requirements; and <br />. Article 24, amending Section 5~2424 to allow condominium conversions <br />for four residential units or fewer to be approved administratively by <br />the Zoning Enforcement Official (ZED). <br />[Pollart] <br />The proposed ordinance for the adoption of Zoning code amendments <br />related to residential development standards is exempt from <br />environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act <br />pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21065. This is based on the <br />finding that this Ordinance is not a "project" within the meaning of <br />Section 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines, because it has no potential <br />for resulting in physical change in the environment, directly or ultimately. <br />This Ordinance does not, in itself, allow the construction of any projects <br />and therefore has no potential for resulting in physical changes in the <br />environment, directly or ultimately. <br /> <br />Secretary Pollart began by pointing out that the Commissioners' packets included excerpts <br />from yet-to-be-approved minutes from an informal Board of Zoning Adjustments' hearing on the <br />proposal a week earlier. Her PowerPoint presentation began with background information, <br />explaining that the impetus for the proposals stemmed from an application for a large Bay-O- <br />Vista home on Darius Court. Under the current process, the application required Major Site Plan <br />Review and Height Exception. The BZA approved the application, which was subsequently <br />appealed but upheld by the City Council on December 4, 2005. Then, on October 19, the BZA <br />and Planning Commission held a joint worksession to discuss the topics that went into the <br />proposal. She then addressed each proposed change individually. <br /> <br />. Article 5, Section 2-537 <br />The Zoning Code currently contains a general definition of a Daylight Plane; the concept <br />now generally applies to commercial buildings being constructed next to residential districts. <br />It causes the commercial structure to step back so that it docs not loom over the adjacent <br />residences. However, the current language cloes not embrace house-to-house issues of <br />