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<br />Draft Minutes Excerpt -- 12/14/06 Planning Commission Meeting <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br />both BZA and Planning Commission meetings, staff issued notices to all of the homeowners <br />associations listed on the City's official roster in the City Clerk's office, as well as publishing <br />announcements in the legal ads in the Daily Review. Secretary Pollart said that she received one <br />request for a copy of the Staff Report, but no comments at all on the proposed amendments. She <br />concluded by saying that tonight staff is requesting a formal Planning Commission <br />recommendation on the amendments to go to City Council. A public heating will be noticed for <br />sometime in late January or early February. <br /> <br />Chair Perras invited members of the audience to comment on the issue. There were none. <br /> <br />Motion to Close Public Hearing <br />(Kleebauer / Reed; 7 Ayes, 0 Noes) <br /> <br />= <br /> <br />Chair Perras then invited Commissioners to discuss the proposal. <br /> <br />Commissioner Dlugosh asked who would be responsible for getting feedback from adjoining <br />neighbors where the ZEO reviews applications for Daylight Plane exceptions. <br /> <br />Secretary Pollart explained that the process would be the same as what is now in place for <br />Minor Site Plan Reviews, i.e., is to send written notification to adjacent neighbors, on the sides, <br />in the back, and if appropriate, across the street facing the subject property. Consequently, 5-10 <br />neighbors receive notice, which includes a cover lettcr and a small copy of the plans. Recipients <br />then have 10 days in which to come in and look at thc plans or call the Planning Dcpartment <br />before the ZEO acts on the application administratively. <br /> <br />Commissioner Klecbaucr rcfcrenced the amendment regarding off-street parking and loading <br />spaces in the context of additions resulting in more than 4,000 square feet or more than four <br />bedrooms. She noted that the language says that tandem parking is permitted if the parking is <br />located a minimum of 30 feet from the front property line. She questioned the 30-foot minimum, <br />and wondered where the measurement went - to a garage, fence or whatever endpoint. <br /> <br />Secretary Poll art indicated that the wording was to cncourage adequate driveway length to <br />avoid having cars hanging out over the sidewalk, and would be measured from the property line <br />to the rear of the vchicle. She added that the front yard setback is already 20 feet, in which <br />required parking is not allowed, and the 30-foot language was inserted to buffer that setback <br />somewhat. <br /> <br />Commissioner Kleebauer noted that the 30-foot requirement would preclude adding a bedroom <br />in many older neighborhoods that don't have enough property depth to add the extra tandem <br />space. <br /> <br />Secretary Pollart agreed that what Commissioner Kleebauer described could happen. <br />Applicants frequently want to build a second dwelling unit, which also requires a third space. <br />Before the housing laws changed to permit tandem parking, she explained, a lot of applicants <br />were unable to meet the requirement [or a third parking space. <br /> <br />Commissioner Kleebauer requested clarification about the term "bedroom," asking whether it <br />is the standard definition of a room with a closet, regardless of the use the applicant intends, such <br />as a home office, den or other room. <br /> <br />Secretary Poll art explained that Planning staff considered adding language such as "den," <br />"library," "office," and so on, but settled on "bedroom." <br />