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<br />January I, {i, 2007 <br /> <br />Edcn Road Plan Line Public Hearing <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />In accordance with the General Plan, a new outlet is planned lar Eden Roacl. A committee was <br />f01l11ed in 2004 to recommend an alignrnent for the new outlet. The committee met in November <br />2004 and again in February 2006 to review alternative routes. A recommendation was made to <br />provide an outlet for Eden Road by extending Business Center Drive northward, providing a <br />connection between Eden Road and Davis Street. <br /> <br />Eden Road is currently a private road. This project will convert it into a public right-of-way. <br />Additional roadway width outside the City of San Leandro limits is required. The Port of <br />Oakland agreed to contribute the required land in the Addendum to Settlcrnent Agreement dated <br />November 15, 2004. The land is out of the golf course playing area and is cUITently used for <br />access and storage of equipment. <br /> <br />The extension of Eden Road towards Business Center Drive will require land from rive parcels; <br />all zoned Industrial Ceneral (lG), One of the parcels, currently used to store dirt and debris, will <br />be purchased by the City for expansion of the Water Pollution Control Plant. The other parcels <br />arc used to store used automobiles and sell auto parts. One building at 2512 Davis Street will <br />need to be removed. This building is currently leased to an auto parts supply company and a <br />manufacturing company. <br /> <br />The concept for the roadway improvements includes two travel lanes, two bike lanes, a sidewalk <br />along one road edge, streetlights, fire hydrants, a stolln drain system, and a traHic signal at the <br />intersection of Doolittle Drive and Eden Road. <br /> <br />The new signal is expected to reduce the likelihood of collisions and make tuming movements <br />easier, which will increase safety. The project will provide a second exit from Davis Street, <br />which will allow egress in the event of an accident that blocks travel fi:om the intersection of <br />Davis Street and Doolittle Drive. The project will provide new street rrontage and greater access <br />to the remaining parcels, which will assist the neighborhood in developing toward its highest and <br />best use. <br /> <br />Analysis <br /> <br />This ordinance provides for the establishment or right-of-way lines for Eden Road. A 64-foot <br />right-of-way will be established for Eden Road and a 55-1aot right-of-way will he established for <br />the section of Eden Road that connects with Davis Street. A 9-[oot slope easement will also he <br />established on each side of Eden Road from Davis Street to the north. <br /> <br />Right-or-way lines lllay be established by the City Council for the purpose of reserving areas for <br />future creation of streets. When the new right-of-way lines are adopted by the City Council, it <br />shall, thereaHer, be unlawCul 1'01' any person, firm, or corporation to construct or erect any <br />building or structure within the space between the right-oC-way lines or upon the casements so <br />established. <br /> <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this matter, found this project to be in <br />conformance with the General Plan and passed a motion to forwarcl the project to the City <br />Council with a recommendation for approval. <br />