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<br />MINUTES Pagc 3 <br />City of San Lenndro City Council and San Lcandro Redevelopmcnt Agency Joint Mecting and San Leandro Economic <br />Devdopll1~nt Agency.Spycial Me~ting March 1,2004 <br /> <br />5. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> <br />Comments are limited to 3 minutes per person. When you address the City Council, you <br />should fill out a speaker card and submit it to the City Clerk so the order of speakers may be <br />determined and an official record of names and addresses obtained. The publie is invited to <br />make eornments on items of public interest NOT listed on the Agenda. <br /> <br />Gary Pacheco, Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc., addressed the City Council regarding his <br />concerns about payment for work on the Malina Boulevard widening project. His company <br />performed the work for the City as a subcontractor for O.c. Jones in November oflast year. <br />TIe submitted copies of a letter he wrote to City Manager Jennanis detailing the issues. <br /> <br />Michael Katz, 46 Estabrook St., addressed the City Council, requesting the Council adopt <br />an advisory resolution urging the Alameda County Board of Supervisors to begin issuing <br />malTiage licenses to same-sex couples. <br /> <br />Kelly Lencioni, SLHS AVID Program, addressed the City Couneil regarding the AVID <br />Program, a program which assists students at San Leandro High School in achieving their <br />academic potential. Ms. Lencioni expressed concern that State grant funding for the A VlD <br />Progranl is being phased out. <br /> <br />Lou FiJipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the City Council, commenting on the <br />write-in nomination process, issuance ofahsentee ballots and newspaper coverage of these <br />Issues. <br /> <br />6. CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REl'ORTS AND COMMENTS <br /> <br />City Manager Jell11anis inl'onned the Council and audience that the City does not have a <br />contractual agreement with Pacheco Brothers Gardening Inc., which is a subcontractor for <br />O.c. Jones on the subject project. The Engineering and Transportation Department has <br />determined that the project is not ready to be accepted until certain items are completed. Mr. <br />Jermanis remarked that it is very rare for either a contractor or subcontractor to come before <br />the City COLlnci I with concerns about the work of the Engineering and Transportation <br />Department, which he stated he believes is orthe highest quality. Mr. Jcrmanis indicated the <br />City will look to the Engineering Depmiment to continue to manage the project in its best <br />interests. and the contractor will be expected to work with Engineering or the City Manager's <br />Office to resolve issues. <br /> <br />7. AMENDMRNT OF CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />City Council members or staff have an opportunity at this time to request that an itenl be <br />removed from the Consent Calendar for the presentation of a staff report or other special <br />consideration. Members of the Public may request, by filing a speaker carel prior to the <br />calling of Hem 7, Amendment of Consent Calendar, the opportunity to address the City <br />