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<br />MINUTES Page 10 <br />City or San Leandro Ci2:.~:olll1cil and San Lc~.~dro Redevelopn2?llt Agency Jojnt_.~pccial Meeting-=April12, 2004 <br /> <br />Cornmittee regarding ways to address the vacancy rate. He indicated that thc berthing <br />fees are being increased in an attempt to cover operating expenses but that staff would <br />react if the vacancy rates caused a loss ofrevcnue. <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos suggested that the berthing fee incrcases be de[C1Tcd until <br />meetings can bc held with the San Leandro Yacht Club and Spinnaker Yacht Club. lIe <br />stated be was also made aware that the City made repairs to the docks on the San <br />Leandro Yacht Club side while the clocks on the Spinnaker sidc are still in need of <br />repair. Mr. Schilling acknowledged the lateness of the notification to the belihers and <br />that the lines of communication should he opened. <br /> <br />Vicc Mayor Glaze agreed that there is a need for communication, and proper noticc <br />should bc given to the berthers. He stated that the City needs to move away from <br />subsidizing thc Marina berthers, and he lccls the different fee structure for non-residents <br />is fair. Vice Mayor Glaze asked if the fire inspection fees are cost-covering. Mr. <br />Schilling noted that while the fee increases are sib'l1iJicant, they only cover about <br />$200,000 of the $587,000 cost of the contracted service. However, the proposed fees <br />are in the range of those charged by other cities and will bring the City closer to cost <br />recovery while maintaining the City's philosophy ofheing business-friendly. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked why the planning fees have increased so dramatically and <br />how the fees relate to those chm"ged by other cities. Mr. Schilling stated that staff now <br />has cnough experience with the site plan review process to better assess the true cost of <br />the work perlclll11ed. While the fee increases are large, the revenue generated will cover <br />only about 5001.) of the cost 0 f service. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked about site plan review. Mr. Horn stated that fees proposed <br />arc comparable to other cities which provide the same level of review. COllncilmember <br />Grant asked how the fees would apply to new housing developments. Mr. Ham noted <br />that new housing is a difTercnt category and direct costs for time and materials ean be <br />charged. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked how San Leandro's berthing fees compare with other <br />cities. Marina Manager Del MaIie Snodgrass reported that of 43 marinas surveyed, San <br />Leandro is 3rd from the bottom. If the bClihing rates were increased as proposed, San <br />Leandro would still be 91h from the bottom. Council member Grant also commented that <br />she received emails from people who had received late notice of the meeting. <br /> <br />Council member Badger pointed out that when economic times werc good, the City's <br />General Fund subsidized maI1Y of our operations, and it can no longer afford to do that. <br /> <br />Mr. .Jennanis stated that most cities are raising their fees for the very reason articulated <br />by Councilmember Badger. The Council is now challenged with continuing to provide <br />needed services with less revenue, and so must raise fees to help cover the cost of those <br />services. He noted that the Council had adopted the practice in the past of charging <br />higher fees for non-residents than for residents lor services such as recreation programs <br />and the gall course. <br />