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Minutes 2004 0503
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City Council
Minutes 2004 0503
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<br />l\llNUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting~May 3,2004 <br /> <br />Page 13 <br /> <br />Councilmember Stephens expressed concern that if the election cycle was <br />changed as proposed, a candidate could win election in March but would not be <br />able to take office until the following January. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Glaze expressed concern regarding the inconsistencies created by the <br />run-off provision in the Charter as well as the cost of conducting a run-off election <br />and suggested the Council consider a Charter amendnlent to revert back to <br />"winner take all" elections. <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos commented that the proposed change to the election cycle <br />would result in increased costs to candidates who would have to campaign twice <br />in the same year. He also expressed concerns about campaign signs left up for <br />Inonths. He suggested an instant run-off election as a possible solution. <br /> <br />Mayor Young commented that the lun-off amendment sounded like a good idea at <br />the tilne. She agreed with the Vice Mayor that it has become problematic to <br />inlplement. <br /> <br />Councilmember Nardine asked the date by when the Council would need to place <br />a Charter amendment on the ballot to change the run-off provision. Ms. Handa <br />recommended that the Council take action to place the item on the ballot no later <br />than July 6. Ms. Williams noted that the next Rules and Communications <br />COlnlnittee nleeting will be held on May 19. <br /> <br />Councilmember Stephens comnlented that the difficulties with a run-off election <br />seem to be so great that he would favor going back to a "winner take all" election. <br />He also requested a report on instant run-off voting and how the provision might <br />be implemented. Ms. Handa noted that currently there is no system certified by <br />the State to allow the conduct of an instant run-off election. <br /> <br />Mayor Young asked which method for conducting the run-off election would be <br />the least expensive. Ms. Handa replied that the all-Inail ballot option was about <br />one-half the cost of a precinct election, or about $65,000. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Glaze noted that Councilmember Badger had expressed great <br />reservations about introducing an unfarniliar method of voting for the run-off. He <br />stated that due to the City's current fiscal constraints, the mailed ballot option <br />makes more sense. Vice Mayor Glaze suggested the Council consider two Charter <br />amendments: one to clean up the inconsistencies in the commencement of terms <br />of office and one to return to "winner take all," or plurality, elections. If the <br />second anlendment fails, the Council could consider changing the election cycle to <br />the Primary/General Election concept. <br /> <br />Mayor Young noted that a significant percentage of San Leandro voters already <br />vote by mailed ballot, which is another reason that the mailed ballot would be the <br />best approach. <br />
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