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<br />I\UNUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-May 3, 2004 <br /> <br />Page 3 <br /> <br />Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the City Council, stating that he had <br />made comments at the last public hearing and never received an answer to questions he <br />asked about the Plan. He expressed concenl that there was no news reporter present. <br /> <br />There being no further comments fronl the public, and without objection, the Public <br />Hearing was closed. <br /> <br />Councilnlerl1ber Santos commented that he hoped the Senior Center could be a multi- <br />purpose center for youth as well as seniors and that part of the building could be devoted <br />to a theater or hall. He expressed interest in seeing a detailed plan for the development <br />of the affordable units between now and 2006 and a nlore precise number of units <br />proposed to be developed. He asked about the possibility of a project to improve the <br />entfYWay into Davis West on Warden Avenue under the housing rehabilitation program. <br />Councilmember Santos commented that there may be other agencies providing <br />homeless services besides those already identified. He asked if funding made available <br />through Proposition 46, the Housing and Emergency Shelter Tnlst Fund Act of 2002 <br />State Bond Measure, could be used for programs such as affordable housing for City <br />and School District employees. He commented on the anti-poverty strategy addressed <br />in the 1992 Housing and Community Development Act and asked what the City is <br />doing in support of an anti-poverty strategy. <br /> <br />Mr. Jermanis pointed out to the Council that a large portion of the funds have been <br />allocated for the Senior Center. He noted that later in tonight's meeting, Ms. Brown <br />will report on the City's Housing Strategy which will address many of the issues raised. <br />He indicated that W arden Avenue would be eligible for the housing rehabilitation <br />program, and the City is looking at the use of Prop. 46 funds to provide affordable <br />housing for teachers. Mr. Jermanis acknowledged that the anti-poverty issue is difficult <br />to address. He noted that the City provides funding to community-based organizations <br />for assistance to low-income residents. <br /> <br />Ms. Brown commented that one of the best strategies for combatting poverty is job <br />developnlent. She noted that the City provides funding to Davis Street Family Resource <br />Center, which offers job development services. Ms. Brown stated that, beginning in <br />July, staff will begin work on a new five-year Consolidated Action Plan to identify <br />needs in Housing and Community Development, and it may be a good time to set new <br />goals for job development. <br /> <br />Councilmenlber Santos asked about the possibility of creating jobs in areas such as <br />construction in redevelopment areas. <br /> <br />Ms. Brown indicated that the Council will soon be receiving recommendations from the <br />Recreation and Human Services Department on the proposals received for <br />implenlenting the services outlined in the Plan. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant inquired about the transfer of the $30,931 fronl Public Services <br />to the Senior Center Project. Ms. Brown clarified that $180,931 is the maximum <br />