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<br />l\lINUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-July 6, 2004 <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Tom Silva, Rental Housing Owners (RHO), addressed the City Council, requesting <br />that invesllnent properties be treated equitably as commercial rather than residential <br />properties. He asked that the Council consider adopting a rate of $23.00 per unit rather <br />than $46.80 as is proposed for Code 5 properties. <br /> <br />John Sullivan, RHO, addressed the City Council, stating that RHO members believe <br />that the proposal is unfair to rental homeowners. He agreed with the previous speaker <br />that it is inequitable to treat rental units the same as residential properties. Mr. Sullivan <br />stated that the RHO wants to be part of the solution but asked to be treated fairly. <br /> <br />Chuck Pershing, President of the Chamber of Commerce, addressed the City <br />Council, asking the Council to include a nloratorium on future increases to the business <br />license tax while the parcel tax mns its course. He expressed concern that businesses <br />will be unfairly asked to bridge the shortfall in the City's budget. Mr. Pershing stated <br />the Chamber realizes the parcel tax is critical to public safety and expressed its support <br />for the parcel tax with the inclusion of the moratorium on an increase to the business <br />license tax. <br /> <br />Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the City Council, asking that a <br />committee be formed of the unemployed non-subsidized citizen taxpayers to author an <br />argument against the measure. Mr. Filipovich stated that Measure G was supposed to <br />address this problem and that the parcel tax measure will create debt. He C0111mented <br />that residential and cOll1ll1ercial properties should pay the same rate. <br /> <br />There being no further comments from the public, and without objection, the Public <br />Hearing was closed. <br /> <br />Mayor Young thanked the ad hoc committee of Vice Mayor Badger and <br />Councilmembers Nardine and Glaze for their work on this issue. <br /> <br />Mayor Young asked what the anlount of the business license tax would be for a 20-unit <br />apartment building. Mr. Jermanis stated the fee would be about $150 per year. Mayor <br />Young asked how much business license tax a business such as WalMart currently pays. <br />Mr. Jermanis responded that WalMart's business license tax is about $4,200 per year. <br />Mayor Young asked how much WalMart would pay if the parcel tax measure passed. <br />Mr. J eml ani s estimated that WalMart would pay about $1,600 per year for the parcel <br />tax. Mayor Young noted that at $46.80 per unit, the portion of the tax paid by rental <br />homeowners is about $4.00 per month per unit, which does not seem like a huge burden <br />considering the residents are receiving the same police and fire protection as single- <br />family homeowners who will be paying more. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant asked for clarification about the tax rate for mobile honles. Mr. <br />J ermanis clarified that in the case of a mobile home park, the owner of the property <br />would pay based on the number of units on the property. Mr. Baloca pointed out that <br />individual nlobile homes are exempt from the parcel tax and instead pay a license fee. <br />