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<br />IVIINUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-July 6,2004 <br /> <br />Page 6 <br /> <br />land in San Leandro dedicated for comrilercial and industrial uses and 600/0 for <br />residential use. The ad hoc comn1ittee recommended that the tax be spread fairly <br />between residential units and comlnercial units. Mr. J ermanis noted that the term <br />"commercial" is defined under the business license category, and there are residential <br />units that are categorized as businesses because they are rented out. In discussions with <br />the ad hoc committee, It was determined that all residential units would be assessed a <br />per unit charge based on $78.00 per single-family residence with a 60% reduction for <br />multi-family units, or $46.80. Mr. Jermanis stated that in discussions with other cities <br />that have imposed similar parcel taxes, it ,vas found that most had a reduced rate for <br />n1ulti-family units. The per unit charge for multi-family units is considered fair due to <br />the greater demand for public safety services by residential units. <br /> <br />Mr. J ermanis commented that the question by Councilmelnber Santos regarding the <br />structure of the business license tax should be given consideration, and he noted that <br />gross receipts are a type of n1eans test. He pointed out there is already a reduced rate in <br />the business license structure for residential units. Mr. Jermanis commented that if <br />there is a further reduction for five or more multi-family units, the loss of approximately <br />$500,000 in revenue would need to be n1ade up by raising the rate to either single- <br />family residential or commercial properties or by further reductions in City services. <br />Mr. J ermanis noted that in discussions with the homeowners associations, staff has not <br />been able to identify additional budget redpctions over and above those already <br />imposed. He pointed to reductions already made in library hours and services, <br />recreation programs and public works programs. Mr. J ermanis stated that virtually all <br />services have experienced cuts with the exception of Police and Fire persOlmel. <br /> <br />Mr. Jermanis indicated that any adjustments in the business license tax would require <br />extensive study in coordination with the Chamber of Commerce and the business <br />comlnunity. He stated that the business license tax is not proposed for review at this <br />time or in the near future. <br /> <br />Mayor Young noted that San Leandro is about the same size as the City of Alameda and <br />asked how many sworn police officers are elnployed in that city. Mr. Jermanis stated <br />that Alameda has 112 officers. Mayor Young commented that Proposition 13 caught <br />the City at a low point, and Alameda receives about $5 million more each year in <br />property taxes than San Leandro. In response to a question by Mayor Young, Police <br />Chief Kitchen stated that the Hayward Police Department has 166 officers and the City <br />of Oakland has over 700 officers. Mayor Young remarked that San Leandro does a <br />commendable job of providing Police and Fire services at its present staffing level, and <br />the City would be doing itself a huge disservice by further reducing the budget and <br />corresponding services as the quality of life in San Leandro would also be reduced. <br /> <br />Mayor Young responded to the comments by the RHO that it would be forced to fight <br />the measure if its proposal was not accepted. She pointed out that by working to defeat <br />the n1easure, the RHO would be doing a great disservice to its tenants who would <br />benefit from the public safety services. <br />