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<br />MINUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-July 6, 2004 <br /> <br />Page 9 <br /> <br />detennined and an official record of names and addresses obtained. The public is invited to <br />make comments on items of public interest NOT listed on the Agenda. <br /> <br />Thomas W. Saunders, 782 Hutchings Dr., addressed the City Council regarding the <br />fireworks problem on and around the 4th of July and the police response. He passed photos to <br />the Council showing damage to his lawn he believes was done in retaliation for his <br />complaints about the fireworks problem. Mr. Saunders asked the Council to strictly enforce <br />the fireworks laws and to cite offenders. Mr. Saunders commented that some of his neighbors <br />are pouling concrete over their lawns to create more space for parking in front of their homes, <br />and the result is very unsightly. <br /> <br />Augustine Trejo, 1881 North Blvd., addressed the City Council regarding fireworks being <br />ignited near the creek. He commented that the perpetrators are skilled at eluding the police. <br />Mr. Trejo stated that neighborhood dogs become very agitated by the fireworks. <br /> <br />Lou Filipovich, 15376 Laverne Drive, addressed the City Council regarding the various <br />govemn1ental entities that serve San Leandro and the limited number of residential properties <br />that are taxed to pay for services from those entities. Mr. Filipovich commented on his work <br />to defeat Measures H and I in 1998. <br /> <br />6. CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS AND COMMENTS <br /> <br />Mr. Jermanis commented that all members of the Council have received complaints from <br />residents about fireworks, and Councilmember Santos called him on the evening of July 4 <br />regarding the fireworks show in the eastshore area that was reported by Mr. Saunders. Mr. <br />J ermanis contacted the Police Department and was told by the Watch Commander that the PD <br />received over 100 calls for service during that same tilne period. Police Chief Kitchen <br />informed Mr. Jermanis that the 4th of July is the busiest day of the year for the Police <br />Departlnent. Mr. Jermanis noted that the PD made every effort to patrol all the areas in which <br />they received calls and confiscated many fireworks which they turned over to the Alameda <br />County Bomb Squad to be destroyed. Mr. J erm ani s indicated that the City did not launch a <br />campaign to remind residents that fireworks would not be tolerated in San Leandro. He noted <br />that the PD had many units on the street but the illegal activity was so great that it was very <br />difficult to lnanage. Mr. J ermanis cOlnmented that the PD would be willing to investigate the <br />damage to Mr. Saunders' lawn if responsible individuals can be identified. <br /> <br />Councilmelnber Nardine asked how many fireworks citations were issued, how lnany police <br />reports were taken and whether police officers worked overtime. Mr. J ermanis replied that <br />the Police Department incurred about $8,000 in overtime in order to have 22 units in the field <br />on July 4. <br /> <br />Mayor Young suggested that Police Chief Kitchen write an article on the fireworks problem <br />for his column in the San Leandro Times, describing the amount of police resources <br />expended, citations issued and police reports written. She commented on an email she <br />received fron1 someone who chastised her for allowing the police to confiscate their <br />fireworks. <br />