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<br />MINUTES Page 9 <br />City of San Leandro City Council, San Leandro Redevelopment Agency, San Leandro Economic Development Agency, <br />and San Leandro Hillside Geologic Hazard Abatement District Joint Meeting -July 19, 2004 <br /> <br />Councihnember Santos commented on the State's efforts to make cItIes more <br />responsible for meeting their housing goals. He asked if increasing the inc1usionary <br />zoning requirement to 200~ would likely increase the number of units available to <br />individuals with low-to-moderate inconles. Ms. Brown confirmed that it should. <br />Councilmember Santos noted that the City is short of meeting its affordable housing <br />goals. He commented that he spoke with a developer who confirmed that he could meet <br />the 200~ inc1usionary zoning requirement if a higher density were allowed. <br /> <br />Mr. J ermanis commented that some developers may be discouraged from building in <br />San Leandro if too great a subsidy is required. He noted that the inclusionary zoning <br />requirement within the Redevelopnlent areas is 15%. Mr. J ermanis suggested that the <br />150/0 requirement would be both reasonable and consistent with the requirement for the <br />Redevelopment areas. <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos expressed support for the 200/0 inclusionary zoning requirement <br />and density bonus. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Badger commented that the development of new units will increase the <br />delnand for City services. He stated that while he is not opposed to affordable housing, <br />he is concenled about converting conlmercialland for residential use without the ability <br />to provide services to the additional residents. <br /> <br />Councilmember Stephens expressed support for the 150~ requirenlent. He noted that <br />there is insufficient land in the Bay Area to support the demand for housing, and supply <br />and demand laws regulate housing costs. Councilmember Stephens spoke in favor of <br />having the right mix of housing in the community while recognizing the need to draw <br />the line at some point. <br /> <br />Councilmelnber Grant asked about the equity build-up on affordable units. Ms. Brown <br />indicated that there is a resale agreement which requires the units to remain affordable <br />for 55 years. The unit must be sold to another income-eligible household, so the seller <br />will not receive a huge equity windfall. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant comnlented that she would like the City to have a strong <br />affordable housing program with consistent requirements Citywide. She mentioned <br />related programs that the Council has discussed in the past, such as housing for teachers <br />and a preference given to San Leandro residents. Ms. Brown noted that the recent <br />studies issued on inc1usionary zoning indicate that the nlost effective policies do not <br />allow in-lieu fees and are not overly generous in allowing land dedications. Based on <br />these studies, staff has atteInpted to craft the most effective policy possible. <br /> <br />Councilmenlber Nardine asked if there are incentives or other considerations given for <br />owners who make improvements or upgrades to an affordable unit. She noted that the <br />owner of an affordable unit may not maintain or make improvements to the unit if there <br />is no incentive to do so. Ms. Brown stated that the resale agreement allows the owners <br />of a unit to increase the sale price for improvements they have made. <br />