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<br />lVIINUTES Page 3 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-November 1, 2004 <br /> <br />. Resolution No. 2004-156, Resolution Approving Findings for Vesting Tentative <br />Map, Tract 7560; 82 Chumalia Street; Residential Condominium Subdivision at the <br />NOlihwest Comer of Chumalia Street and Hyde Street; Assessor's Parcel Numbers <br />77-446-1-2 and 77-446-2. (3035) <br /> <br />M/S/C Stephens and Badger. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br /> <br />B. Matter of Adoption of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan (updates the City's <br />Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan). <br /> <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, City <br />Manager J ermanis gave an overview of the item and introduced Principal Engineer <br />Keith Cooke. Mr. Cooke narrated a short PowerPoint presentation providing <br />information on the various components of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan, <br />including inlprovements made to the 1997 Bicycle Master Plan, the addition of a <br />pedestrian elelnent and inclusion of design guidelines. Mr. Cooke noted that the <br />adoption of the Plan will allow the City to compete for available grants for bicycle <br />and pedestrian projects. <br /> <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> <br />There being no public comlnents, and without objection, the Public Hearing was closed. <br /> <br />Councilnlember Glaze commented that he is pleased to hear that the City is pursuing <br />nIore "rails to trails" projects. He stated that he hoped the City could look into creating <br />pedestrian and bike paths adjacent to flood control channels and in PG&E right of ways <br />as other communities have done, thereby creating safer routes for walkers and cyclists <br />away from main traffic routes. Councilmember Glaze noted that there is a need for <br />more east-to-west routes as well as interconnecting routes that would allow safe bicycle <br />and pedestrian access frOill BART to neighborhoods such as Marina Faire. <br /> <br />Councihnelnber Nardine cOlnmented that it is good to see bike racks included in the <br />plan. She indicated that she would like to see a plan for bike racks in front of businesses <br />incorporated in the policy. <br /> <br />Councilnlenlber Santos stated his appreciation for the plan. He noted that most of the <br />funding for projects comes from government grants, and he questioned why the <br />insurance industry does not provide funding for such programs. Councilmember Santos <br />pointed out that a reduction in accidents results in a reduction in claims, and the <br />insurance industry should be supportive of programs which reduce accidents. <br /> <br />Mayor Young pointed out the statistic cited in the report that cyclists are at fault in 52% <br />of bicycle accidents. She suggested providing more bicycle education programs at <br />locations such as the Boys and Girls Club. Mayor Young recalled the discussion <br />regarding licensing school children to operate bicycles and registering their bicycles at <br />the same tinIe. She inquired whether re-striping the streets for bike lanes could be <br />funded from grants or if the funding had to come from local streets and roads funds. <br />