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<br />l\HNUTES <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-July 21,2003 <br /> <br />Page 11 <br /> <br />9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per person per item. <br /> <br />8.S. Resolution No. 2003-182, Resolution Approving Contractual Services Agreement with <br />Collaborative Design Architects, Inc. Relating to the New Bookstore and Retail Area in <br />the Main Library, Project No. 210-38-225 (provides design services for a new bookstore <br />and retail area in the Main Library, approximately 600 square feet). Cost: $40,664. <br />Funding: Miscellaneous Engineering Study, Approved by the City Manager in 2003. <br />(2323) <br /> <br />Councilmember Nardine expressed concerns about the contractor, Collaborative Design <br />Architects, Inc. (CDA), noting issues with work previously performed. City Manager <br />J erm ani s stated he has received assurances from both the Library and Engineering and <br />Transportation Departments that contracting with the same architect is the best approach <br />to achieving overall design consistency, and Engineering and Transportation will <br />perform a careful review of the construction drawings. Mr. Jermanis noted the <br />construction costs would be paid by the Library Foundation. <br /> <br />Mayor Young asked if the items removed from City Connections at the Bayfair Mall <br />will be relocated to this new retail area. Mr. J ermanis confirmed all the sales of City <br />souvenirs will take place at this facility. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant expressed concern regarding awarding the contract to CD A, <br />given the City's past experience with this company. Mayor Young indicated that <br />perhaps architect Rick Mason expressed interest in working on this proj ect since he had <br />superior knowledge of the design of the library. Mr. J ermanis stated staff fully <br />understands the concerns of the Council and that the City will not proceed with the <br />construction phase of the project until Engineering staff has reviewed the construction <br />drawings and is satisfied the bid for the construction contract will proceed without <br />incident. Mr. Jermanis further stated staff are confident regarding CDA's ability to do <br />the job but due to the concerns expressed by Council would be willing to find another <br />architect to perform the work. <br /> <br />Mayor Young asked how long the proj ect would be delayed in order to locate another <br />architect. Engineering and Transportation Director Uche Udemezue described the <br />considerations made by staff in the selection of CDA for the project, including the <br />quality of the design work and the dedication and commitment to the project. Mr. <br />Ude1nezue noted other architectural fin11s which had expressed interest in the project <br />would have associates do the design work whereas CD A was willing to dedicate a <br />plincipal. Mr. Udemezue estimated it would take approximately two months to select <br />another contractor, and the cost would be higher. He added the Library Foundation and <br />Library Director were both comfortable with the selection of CDA as the contractor and <br />Rick Mason as the designer. <br />