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<br />I\HNUTES Page 7 <br />City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting-OCTOBER 20,2003 <br /> <br />Councilmen1ber Santos expressed concern that this item created a lot of controversy the <br />last time it can1e before the Council. Vice Mayor Glaze noted that since that time, the <br />matter has been reviewed by two Council cOlun1ittees and staff has provided additional <br />information to Council in tonight's presentation. <br /> <br />12. CITY COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Councilmeluber Badger announced that on Friday, October 24, at 8:00 a.m. at the Englander, <br />Police Detectives Cathy Pickard and Jerry Codde will give a presentation on crilue prevention <br />to the Downtown Association. <br /> <br />Councilmember Badger con1mented that a group of seniors who frequently walk the <br />downtown streets suggested if the City provided them with tongs, they would be willing to <br />pick up trash during their walk. He noted it would be a good addition to the Clean and Green <br />progran1. Vice Mayor Glaze noted the Mayor of En1eryville holds several cleanup days on <br />Saturdays. <br /> <br />Councilmember Santos commented that the street and part of a driveway on Doolittle near <br />Farallon Drive were left dirty after an East Bay Municipal Utility District repair project was <br />performed there. He hoped EBMUD would return to clean up the area. <br /> <br />Councihlleluber Santos 111entioned that long tractor-trailer vehicles block traffic while <br />attempting to n1ake turns at the intersections of Fairway and Merced. He observed one such <br />vehicle atten1pting to make a U-turn at the intersection of Doolittle and Belvedere. He asked <br />if there were any ways to better manage the maneuvering of these long vehicles on City <br />streets. <br /> <br />Counciln1ember Santos commented that he was fortunate to know former City Manager Dick <br />Randall quite well and noted his instrumental involvement in the developn1ent of the Marina <br />Con1111unity Center. <br /> <br />Councilmen1ber Santos con1ll1ented that he received correspondence from the San Leandro <br />Police Officers Association requesting recognition for two police officers who lost their lives <br />in the line of duty. He suggested the luatter be referred to the Rules and Communications <br />Con11uittee for review and consideration. Councilmember Nardine suggested the Committee <br />also address the recognition of firefighters who have died in the line of duty. It was the <br />consensus of the Council to refer the matter to the Rules and Communications Committee. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Glaze cOllln1ented on the passing of former City Manager Dick Randall, who was <br />a true gentleman and a ren1arkable leader who gave a lifetime of commitment and service to <br />the community. Tonight's n1eeting will be adjourned in his memory. <br /> <br />Vice Mayor Glaze armounced the meeting will also be adjourned in memory of the following <br />individuals: Young Boon Kim, who was active in the con1ll1unity; Bill Carroll, former Mayor <br />of Vacaville, former Solano County Supervisor and President of the Association of Bay Area <br />