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<br />MINUTlDS <br />City (~~~an Leandro City Council Speci~~ Mceling-I~"cccIllber 9, "~.()02 <br /> <br />Page () <br /> <br />The Council agreed to pull Item 7 A from the Consent Calendar for fmiher discussion. <br /> <br />6. CITY COUNCil, REPORTS <br /> <br />A. RepOlis on Intergovernmental Agencies <br /> <br />Councilmemher Santos reported he attended the Alameda County Commission on Aging <br />meeting On December 9. Councilmember Santos noted the budget for social services will <br />experience a drastic reduction, and he has obtained a list of the County's proposed social <br />service spending cuts. All social services, including senior and disabled services, are <br />likely to be affected. Councilmember Santos mentioned Mercy Housing is interested in <br />building affordable rental housing in the Bay Area and passed on infonnation to starr. <br /> <br />Councilmember Grant reported Alameda County Housing Authority is also experiencing <br />budget challenges passed down from the federal government. The rederal govemment <br />hac; proposed cuts to some housing programs which will affect some of the projects the <br />City is consideling. Councilmember Grant rurther repOlied the ACAP (Associated <br />Community Action Program) Board will be meeting on December 18 to review over 30 <br />applications and grants, and she will report the results at a future Council meeting. <br /> <br />Councilmember LoefOer repOlied on the National League of Cities (NLC) conference, <br />commenting that we tend to view the concept of our relationship with the nation as an <br />appendage as opposed to the nation being a pati of our community's action. Having been <br />to sevcral NLC meetings, Councilmember Loeffler said the report on these meetings <br />should receive a higher Pliority on the Council agenda than under Council Comments at <br />the cnd of the meeting. The issue of homeland security was addressed at the recent NLC <br />conference, and it was learned the federal government will not assist local agencies in <br />paying the costs. The national facus is on preparedness for war which translates into <br />lesser priority lar funding oflocal issues. Councilmember Loeffler noted in the past there <br />seemed to be hesitancy by the Council to share the lessons learned D"om the NLC <br />conrerence and is glad to see the Council now openly discussing the conference events. <br />He expressed gratitude to the City of San Leandro for the privilege of attending the NLC <br />conference and shared some of the expeliences and learnings he received. <br /> <br />13. Reports on City Council Committees <br /> <br />1. Finance Committee meeting orNovember 21,2002. Accepted as Submitted. <br /> <br />Council member Nardine congratulated the Public Works and Public Safety staff [or <br />keeping their expenditures in jine, and thanked the City Manager ('or conveying the <br />Council's concerns to staff. <br />