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<br />DRAFT MINUTES Page 2 <br />City (~(~ San Leandr~) City CO\lnc.!~ and San .Lcandro RcJevelopmclll Agcn~y Joint Mceling-.J:lllUury 16, 2007 <br /> <br />Amending Section 2-582 Regarding Garden Structures in the RS-VP District; Article <br />17, Amending Section 4-1704 Regarding Parking Standards; Article 24, Amending <br />Section 5-2424 Regarding Condominium Conversions for Four or Less Units; and <br />Article 5, Amending Sections 2-574, 2-580 and 2-584 for Consistency with Proposed <br />Changes. <br /> <br />This being the time and place lor the Public Hearing on the above matter, City Manager <br />Jennanis provided background on the item and introduced Planning Manager Debbie <br />Pollal1. Ms. Poll art gave a PowerPoint presentation describing the rroposed <br />amendments to the Zoning Code related to residential developrnent standards which <br />include height of garden features, daylight plane, lnaximum floor area ratio, parking and <br />residential condominium conversions. <br /> <br />The l-learing was then opened to the public. <br /> <br />Ho .Johansen, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, expressing concerns <br />regarding the proposed Zoning Code amendment related to condominium conversions, <br />the City's Planning Division, and the lack ofresponsiveness to public input by the City. <br /> <br />.John Manuel, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, providing a handout <br />to the Council regarding the appeal filed by the Marina Action Committee and Mulford <br />Gardens Improvement Association Oil an approved project on Neptune DIivc. Mr. <br />Manuel requested that the approval process be amended to become a more cooperative <br />enol1 between the City and community which includes community comments and finds <br />a compromise that protects homeowners' rights, preserves the uniqueness of the area <br />ancl balances development. <br /> <br />Howard Cin, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, urging the Council to <br />reject the proposed zoning code amendrnent to allow only administrative review of <br />conclominiurn conversions in the RO District. Mr. Cin commented that the windfall of <br />applications for condo conversions results from the lucrative opportunity to devclopers. <br />Mr. Cin suggested that condo complcxes, such as Seagate, are more desirable than <br />interspersing single family homcs with condos, <br /> <br />Yvette Rice, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that she <br />would like to see no more than three units per parcel in the RO. Ms. Rice expressed <br />concern regarding parking issues in her neighborhood, insuring that project notification <br />reaches the affectcd partIes, ZEO administrative review and the need for citizen input in <br />the process. <br /> <br />Lou Filipovich, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, regarding public <br />participation and issues with District representation and the City Charter. <br /> <br />There being no fUl1her comments JI'OI11 the public, and without objection, tbe Public <br />Hearing was closed. <br />