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<br />DRAFT MINIJTES Page 4 <br />City or San 1~:eal1dru City COll!lcil and Sa'.1Leandro Redevelopment_Agency Jo~nt Mccting-=.Janual'Y 16,2007 <br /> <br />Councilmember Souza commented that she concurred with Vice Mayor Grant and <br />Councilmember Starosciak and that she did not think eliminating public input was the <br />right solution, She commented on the need to consider the long-tenll vision for thc area <br />and expressed concern that l:lcilitating the process would result in a continued windfall <br />of applications. Councilmcmber Souza supported Councilmember Starosciak's <br />suggcstion to rcrllove the amendment to Section 5-2424 from the ordinance. <br /> <br />. Ordinance No. 2007-001, an Ordinance Amending San Leandro Zoning Code, <br />Part If, Article 5, Adding New Sections 2-537 and 2-539, and Amending Sections <br />2-574, 2-5g0, 2-582 and 2-584; and Part IV, Article 17, Amending Section 4- <br />1704. (3075) <br /> <br />IJassed to Print with modification, removing Section 3 of the ordinance <br />related to San Leandro Zoning Code Section 5-2424. <br /> <br />M/S/C Starosciak and Grant. Ayes: 6; Noes: 0 <br /> <br />H. Matter of Establishing Right-of~Way Lines for Eden Road from Doolittle Drive to <br />Davis Street (provides for reserving areas for creation of streets and public right-of- <br />way). <br /> <br />This being the time and place for the Public Hearing on the above matter, City <br />Manager Jemlanis gave background on the item and introduced Engineering and <br />Transportation Dircctor Uche Udcmezue. Mr. Udemezue gave a PowerPoint <br />presentation describing the plan to convert Eden Road from a private road to a public <br />right~of-way and the actions necessary to accomplish the conversion. <br /> <br />The Hearing was then opened to the public. <br /> <br />Lou Filipovich, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting on <br />the property acquired to complete the project and asking whether it was obtained <br />through eminent domain. Mr. Pilipovich questioned why the Port of Oakland is being <br />so cooperative and commented that he believed the City is rushing into the project <br />without all thc information. <br /> <br />Ken Bartlett, Alameda resident and property owner of 2512 Davis Street, <br />addressed the City Council, commenting that hc is trying to plan for the futurc use of <br />the building at 2512 Davis Street. Mr. Bartlett expressed concem rcgarding the <br />uncertainties that the dcvelopment of Edcn Road creates and the significant inlpact it <br />has on his ability to fairly and openly represcnt the long-tenn opportunity for his <br />tcnants. He expressed interest in having discussions with the City to help hinl address <br />his issues. <br /> <br />City Manager JC1111anis statcd that the City's intent is to work with the eXlstlllg <br />property owners, including Me Bartlett, and not to displace any businesses on Eden <br />Road, Mr. Jemumis indicated that the project would likely be phascd, and property <br />