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<br />2-574 Administrative Exceptions <br /> <br />A. Standards for Which an Administrative Exception May be Approved. The <br />Zoning Enforcement Official may approve an Administrative Exception for <br />the following: <br /> <br />1. An extension of the existing building line of a single-family residence, <br />which legally projects into a required yard area of the applicable R <br />District. <br /> <br />2. Exceptions to the maximum allowable height for Accessory Structures, <br />up to a height not to exceed the maximum height allowed in the <br />applicable R District. <br /> <br />3. Exceptions to the setback and relation to property line requirements for <br />Accessory Structures, as prescribed for the applicable R District. <br /> <br />4. Exceptions to the Daylight Plane. <br /> <br />2-580 RO, RS and RS40 Districts - Residential Site Plan Review <br /> <br />(No Changes to Sub-section A). <br /> <br />B. Applicability: Certain Sinqle-Family Construction Projects. The requirements of <br />this Section apply to the following single-family construction projects in RO, RS, <br />and RS-40 Districts. (Single-family construction in the RS-VP District is regulated <br />by Section 2-582.0, View Preservation/Site Plan Review and single-family <br />construction in the RD, RM, C, and I Districts is regulated by Article 25: Site Plan <br />Review.) <br /> <br />1. Requirement for MAJOR Residential Site Plan Review. MAJOR <br />Residential Site Plan Approval is required prior to issuance of a building <br />permit for either a new and/or enlarged single-family home, on an existing <br />parcel, which would either: <br /> <br />a. result in a home with floor area greater than four thousand (4,000) <br />square feet, (also applicable to multiple units on a single parcel in the <br />RO district, with a cumulative floor area greater than six thousand <br />(6,000) square feet) or; <br /> <br />b. result in an addition that exceeds one hundred percent (100%) of the <br />existing home's floor area (i.e. more than doubles the floor area of <br />the existing home), and/or exceeds the maximum floor area ratio <br />(FAR) established for the parcel, or; <br /> <br />c. result in a three-story home, or enlarge a third story. <br /> <br />ORDINANU' NO. 2007-001 3 <br />