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<br />Fdll'Ltary 5, 2007 <br /> <br />Final Tracl Map n() I <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />No signi IIc<mt grading or soil cxcavatioll will be performed, but various improvcmcnts are <br />required as part of this convcrsion, such as the addition of car lifts to increase the off-street <br />parking supply_ The construction of the various improvements has been guaranteed. <br /> <br />At its September 14, 2006 meeting, the Planning Commission approved the use permit for the <br />conversion of the Willows Townhousc Apartments and forwarded a recomrnendation to the City <br />COllncil for the approval of Vesting Tentative Map. The City Council adopted the resolution <br /><lpproving findings for Vesting Tentative Tract Map 7791 during its meeting on October ]6, <br />200(l. <br /> <br />Approval of the Tract Map is the last City Council action needed in the approval process Plior to <br />construction of the required improvements and sale oCthe units. Private casements shown on the <br />map, bul not olTered for dedication to thc public, includc various PG&E casements for ovcrhcad <br />wtrlng. <br /> <br />Current City Council Policv <br /> <br />City 1~J.L111ner Rcview <br />. The City Planncr has examined and approved Pina] Tract Map 770 I in relation to the existing <br />zoning, proposed size and location of lots, requirements of the Genera] Plan, applicable <br />Spcci lie Plans, Plan Dcvelopmcnt Plan, landscaping, planting of trees, and likc <br />considerations <br /> <br />Cily Enl',ineer R.Q'iew and RecomlllclJslation <br />. Thc City Enginecr's Report for Tract 779 I is attached to the rcsolution approving the Final <br />Tract Map <br />. Thc City Engineer's Report presents staff's dete1l11ination of compliance with the Conditions <br />of Approval Cor the Tentative Map for Tract 7791, Planned Development Plan, and the <br />General Development Plan for PLN2006-00031 that relate to the approval of the Final Map <br />. Pursuant to the provisions oC Section 7-1-420 oCthe San Leandro Municipal Code, the City <br />Enginccr has examined the Final Map for Tract 7791 and finds that it is in compliance with <br />Title VII, Chapter I of the San Leandro Municipal Code and the State Subdivision Map Act, <br />and is satisfied that the Final Map for Tract 7701 is technically correct <br /> <br />Previous City Council Action(s) <br /> <br />. 011 October 16, 2006 by Resolution No. 2006-115, the City Council approved a Vesting <br />Tentative Map for Tract 7791 <br /> <br />City Council Committee Review and Action <br /> <br />Not Applicabk: <br /> <br />Applicable General Plan Policv <br /> <br />. Thc Tract Map complies with the General Plan's Policies 3.01 (Mix or Unit Types), 53.03 <br />(lnclusionary Ilollsing) and 56.08 (CondominiuJ1l Conversion) <br />